Nurul Hidayah, , Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi program diklat peningkatan kompetensi guru SMK jurusan mesin ditinjau dari model CIPP. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dengan metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) Evaluasi context sudah sangat baik meliputi latar belakang program, tujuan program, dan dasar hukum program diklat 2) Evaluasi input meliputi kompetensi instruktur, kesiapan peserta diklat, dan pemberian informasi program sudah sangat baik, kualitas materi diklat sudah baik namun masih perlu perbaikan, serta sarana dan prasarana sudah sangat baik 3) Evaluasi process meliputi strategi pelaksanaan program sudah baik namun masih perlu perbaikan, kinerja instruktur sudah baik namun masih perlu perbaikan, aktivitas peserta dan evaluasi pembelajaran sudah sangat baik, faktor pendukung lebih dominan dari faktor penghambat 4) Evaluasi product meliputi ketercapaian komponen CIP sudah baik, ketercapaian tujuan program sudah baik namun masih perlu perbaikan 5) Keterkaitan antar komponen CIPP saling berinteraksi secara dinamis dan tidak dapat berdiri sendiri-sendiri.
Kata kunci: BLPT Yogyakarta, evaluasi, program diklat

This research aims to evaluate education and training program for improving teacher competencies vocational school of machinery department in BLPT Yogyakarta viewed from CIPP model (context, input, process, and product). This research was held in BLPT Yogyakarta.This research used an evaluative type of research with a qualitative approach. Accumulations of data were done through interviews, observations, and documentation.Results of the research that has been done showing 1) the context evaluation of education and training program for improving teacher competencies vocational school of machinery department in BLPT Yogyakarta was good consists of the background of the program, purposes of the program, and the legal base of the program. (2) the input evaluation of education and training program for improving teacher competencies vocational school of machinery department in BLPT Yogyakarta consists of the instructors competence was good, the readiness of participants were good, the act of giving information was good, the quality of the program’s material was good but still need an improvement, and the facilities and infrastructure were good. (3) the process evaluation consists of implementation strategies that were good but still need improvement, participants activities were good, learning evaluation was good, supporting factors more dominant than obstacle factors. (4) product evaluation consists of the achievement of context, input, process components were good, the achievement of purposes of the program was good but still, need improvement. (5) the connection between all CIPP’s components was dynamically interacted and can’t stand alone
Keywords: BLPT Yogyakarta, evaluation, education and training program

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