Pengembangan media pembelajaran pengenalan sinyal wasit bagi peserta kegiatan ekstrakurikuler bola basket sekolah menengah pertama

Ranintya Meikahani, Cahaya Bangsa Utama, Indonesia
Wawan Sundawan Suherman, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa CD pembelajaran pengenalan sinyal wasit bagi peserta kegiatan ekstrakurikuler bola basket SMP yang valid dan efektif. Media pembelajaran ini menggunakan software Adobe Flash CS6 Professional. Peneliti memodifikasi 10 tahap Borg & Gall menjadi 5 tahap, yaitu tahap (1) analisis kebutuhan; (2) pembuatan disain; (3) validasi produk; (4) uji coba lapangan; dan (5) tahap uji operasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas produk hasil validasi ahli materi termasuk “Sangat baik” dengan rerata 4,35 dan hasil validasi ahli media termasuk “Baik” dengan rerata 4,13. Kualitas produk hasil uji coba kelompok kecil termasuk “Sangat baik” dengan rerata skor 4,42. Uji coba kelompok besar dengan kualitas produk “Sangat baik” dengan rerata 4,48. Hasil uji tes menunjukkan rerata skor pretest 36,66 dan rerata skor posttest 76,14. Skor siswa mengalami peningkatan dengan selisih skor 39,48. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran pengenalan sinyal wasit telah valid dan efektif digunakan dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler bola basket SMP.


Introduction a learning media development for participants in basketball extracurricular junior high school


Abstract: This research aims to produce a CD computer-based learning media of referee signal for participants of basketball extracurricular junior high school which is validated. Adobe Flash CS6 Professional software was used to develop this media. This research modified 5 for 10 stages of Borg and Gall: (1) needs analysis, (2) create design, (3) product validation, (4) field trial, and (5) operational trial. The results show that the quality of products from the matter expert is “very good” with an average of 4.35. The validation result from the media expert shows that the quality of the product is “good” with an average of 4.13. The quality of products from the small group is “very good” with an average of 4.42. The quality of media from big groups is “very good” with an average of 4.48. Test results from the operational trial show that the score increased with the average score for the pretest being 36.66 and the average score for the post-test being 76.14. Based on the test results it can be concluded that the media is effectively used for learning.


Pengembangan Media; Sinyal Wasit; Bola Basket; SMP

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