Pengembangan model pembelajaran terpadu tematik untuk sekolah dasar
Tomoliyus Tomoliyus, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model pembelajaran terpadu tematik bagi siswa sekolah dasar kelas satu, yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran untuk siswa sekolah dasar kelas satu. Hasil penelitian berupa buku berjudul “Bermain Lempar Tangkap Bola”. Buku memuat pemanasan berupa permainan menjalaikan, inti terdiri atas 4 fase yaitu: (1) memasukkan bola ke dalam kardus; (2) pass and run with defender; (3) kucing-kucingan dengan bergeser; (4) Game lempar tangkap bola, dan diakhiri penutup berupa cooling down dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan penilaian ahli model secara isi materi sangat baik, bahasa sangat baik, format penulisan baik dan sesuai dengan karakteristik siswa sekolah dasar. Model pembelajaran terpadu tematik ini juga mampu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif, keterampilan gerak dasar (motorik) danafektif.
Developing a thematically integrated learning model in elementary school
Abstract: This study aims to produce a thematically integrated learning model for elementary school students keys one, which can be used by teachers in the teaching and learning process for elementary school students in grade one. The result of the research is a book entitled " play throwing and catching the ball." This book includes Warming up a game of catching fish, the core comprises four phases: (1) putting the ball into the box; (2) passing and running with the defender; (3) cat and mouse with a scroll; (4) Game throwing and catching the ball. Based on an expert assessment of this model the content of the material is very good, in the language, good writing format and in accordance with the characteristics of elementary school students. The thematically integrated learning model is also can be used to improve cognitive ability, basic movement skills (motoric) and affective domain.
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