Inovasi pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani dengan modifikasi permainan bola besar bagi anak tunanetra
Pamuji Sukoco, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Penelitian bertujuan menghasilkan model pembelajaran penjas untuk mengembangkan kemampuan directional awareness, auditory awareness, dan gerak dasar manipulatif anak tunanetra. Penelitian pengembangan mengikuti model Borg & Gall (Sukmadinata) melalui 9 langkah. Uji coba skala kecil dilakukan di SLB N 1 Bantul sebanyak enam orang, skala besar dilakukan di SLB N 1 Kulonprogo dan SLB Hellen Keller yang berjumlah 10 orang. Hasil penelitian berupa model pembelajaran penjas permainan bola besar yang didokumentasikan dalam CD dan buku petunjuk pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada anak tunanetra. Model pembelajaran bola besar, terdapat lima permainan: (1) permainan bolingling, (2) bola jaring, (3) tangkap ceria, (4) rintangan hore dan (5) bola gawang ajaib. Pada akhir penelitian disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran yang dibuat sangat menarik, sesuai dengan karakteristik peserta didik, dapat digunakan sebagai cara mengajar penjas, serta sangat efektif untuk mengembangkan kemampuan directional awareness, auditory awareness, dan gerak dasar manipulatif
Physical Education learning innovation with modified big ball games for blind children
Abstract: This study aims to develop a teaching model of physical education for blind children in order to develop an ability in directional awareness, auditory awareness, and manipulative basic motion. This is research and development referred to Borg & Gall in Sukmadinata through 9 steps. The small-scale trials were conducted on six students of SLB N 1 Bantul, while the large-scale trials were conducted on ten students of SLB N 1 Kulonprogro and SLB Hellen Keller Indonesia Yogyakarta. The result of this research is a model of physical education teaching large ball games that is documented in a CD and a guidebook of the implementation of learning for children with visual impairment. In the teaching model of large ball, there are five games, namely: (1) game of bolingling, (2) game of bola jaring, (3) game of tangkap ceria, (4) games of rintangan hore, and (5) game of bola gawang ajaib. The study concludes that the teaching model is very attractive. It is according to the characteristics of learners, it can be used as a way of teaching physical education, and it is very effective to develop the ability in directional awareness, auditory awareness, and manipulative basic motion in blind children.
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