Arinda Nurcahyani,


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola perilaku menonton televisi pada anak yang berperilaku agresif di Kelompok B TK Dharma Bakti IV Ngebel, Kasihan, Bantul. Adapun hal-hal yang akan diteliti meliputi: (1) Jenis dan bentuk perilaku agresif yang dilakukan anak; (2) Jenis program televisi yang sering dilihat anak; (3) Intensitas waktu anak dalam menonton televisi; (4) Perilaku anak saat menonton televisi; dan (5) Peran yang dilakukan orangtua saat anak menonton televisi. Penelitian yang dilakukan termasuk dalam jenis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian yang dilakukan melibatkan subjek sebanyak 15 orang yang terdiri dari tiga anak yang berperilaku agresif ,tiga pasang orangtua anak, tiga orang anggota keluarga, dan tiga guru kelas. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara dan observasi. Intrumen utama adalah peneliti sendiri, dibantu dengan pedoman wawancara dan observasi. Hasil data yang telah diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan model analisis data interaktif. Pengujian keabsahan dilakukan dengan triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Perilaku agresif yang dilakukan termasuk jenis agresi instrumental muncul dari dorongan dalam diri anak yang dilakukan bentuk perbuatan verbal dan fisik; (2) Jenis tayangan televisi yang dilihat anak setiap harinya adalah kartun dan sinetron; (3) Intensitas waktu anak dalam menonton televisi yaitu selama 2-3 jam setiap hari mulai petang hingga malam; (4) Perilaku anak ketika menonton televisi yaitu diam memperhatikan dan melakukan peniruan secara langsung dan tidak langsung; dan (5) Peran orangtua sebatas menonton televisi bersama anak. Kata kunci: perilaku agresif, televisi, peran orangtua Abstract The research was to find out the behavior patterns of watching television on children who behave aggressively in group B of Dharma Bakti IV Ngebel Kindergarten, Kasihan, Bantul. The aims of the research examined include: (1) Type and form of the children’s aggresion; (2) Type of television programme; (3) The intensity of the child's watching television; (4) The child's response while watching television; and (5) The parent’s participation when the children watching television. This research conducted include to qualitative descriptive approach. This research conducted include to qualitative descriptive approach. The research included 15 subject, consist of three children, three couples of parents, three members of family, three grade teacher, and three children who behave aggressively. The data collection techniques were use interview and observation method. The main instrument is the researchers themselves, and guided by the guidance interview and observation. The analysist techniques were use interactive data analysis model. The results showed that: (1) Aggressive behavior performed, including the type of instrumental aggression that arises from the encouragement of children which performed verbal and physical form; (2) Types of television program that children seen every day was cartoons and soap operas; (3) The intensity time of the child's watching television is 2-3 hours every day from evening until night; (4) The behavior of the child when watching television were just pay attention to the television programme and did imitation directly and indirectly; and (5) The parent’s participation were merely watching television together with their child. Keywords: aggressive behavior, the television, the parent’s participation

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