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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari pengaruh token economy terhadap disiplin anak Kelompok B di TK.
Subjek penelitian adalah anak Kelompok B TK ABA Kembaran kabupaten Bantul tahun ajaran 2014/2015.
Penelitian dilaksanakan di TK ABA Kembaran, Kasihan, Bantul. Jenis penelitian ini adalah one-group pretestpostest
design. Subjek penelitian diberi perlakuan dengan token economy. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam
penelitian menggunakan metode observasi. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa lembar observasi. Analisis data pada
penelitian ini menggunakan statistik deskriptif dengan membandingkan perhitungan rata-rata skor pretest-posttest
dan menggunakan uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara disiplin anak sebelum dan setelah
memperoleh perlakuan berupa token economy. Hasil perhitungan rata-rata skor pretest sebesar 16,47 (71,61%) dan
rata-rata skor posttest sebesar 19,23 (83,61%). Hal tersebut menunjukkan adanya perbedaan skor rata-rata pretest
dan skor rata-rata posttest dengan selisih skor sebesar 2,76. pada penelitian ini adalah skor rata-rata disiplin
anak sebelum pemberian treatment berupa token economy tidak sama dengan skor rata-rata disiplin anak setelah
pemberian treatment berupa token economy. Jika harga > berarti diterima. Hasil perhitungan uji-t
menunjukkan bahwa 􀝐ℎ􀝅􀝐􀝑􀝊>􀝃 􀝐􀝐􀜽􀜾d􀝁en􀝈gan nilai = 3,33 dan diketaui = 2,17. Sehingga dapat
disimpulkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara rata-rata skor pretest dan rata-rata skor prartes.
Kata kunci: token economy, disiplin, anak usia dini
This study attempts to find the influence of a token economy to discipline a child group b in kindergarten
.The subject of study is the son of group b tk aba a twin kabupaten bantul the academic year 2014 and 2015. This
research carried out in kindergarten ABA Kembaran, Kasihan, Bantul. The kind of this research is one-group
pretest-postest design. The subject of study were given treatment by a token economy. Data collection techniques in
the research uses a method of observation. The instrument used in the form of observation sheet.Analysis of the
data in this study using descriptive statistics comparing the calculation of average pre-test-post-test scores and
using t-test .The results of research shows there are differences between discipline a child before and after
obtaining treatment of a token economy. The results of the calculation of the average score of pretest 16,47 ( 71,61
% and the average score of 19,23 posttest ( 83,61 %. This shows the difference in average score of pretest and
post-test scores on average by a margin score of 2.76. in this research is the average score discipline a child
before the treatment of a token economy not the same with the average score discipline a child after the treatment
of a token economy. If the price > ,means is accepted. The calculations show >
with the value of = 5.93 and = 2.17. So it can be concluded there was significant difference between
the average pre-test score and the average score of prartes.
Keywords: token economy, discipline, early childhood

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