Erzamia Pravitasari, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Akbar Kurniadi Setiawan, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This research aims to describe (1) the sign of culture and (2) the meaning of the sign of culture in Corinne Hofmann’s Die Weiße Massai. The subject of this research is Corinne Hofmann’s Die Weiße Massai. Technik of data analysis is descriptive qualitative with semiotic approach. Data is gained by reading-noting technique. The validity of the data were obtained through semantic validity and reinforced of the expert judgement validity. Reliability is intrarater and interrater. The results are. (1) the sign of culture, include language and culture, the law, and knowledge. Language and culture, consist of  language,  religion, customs, the art, food and beverage. The law, consist of enviromental law and social. Knowledge, include livelihood, transportation, building, and weaponry. (2) the meaning of the sign of culture, include language and culture,  language, mzungu  means white people,  jambo to shout a greet, moran to refer the soldiers. Samburu  named Enkai as their God and still believe the superstition. They implement some custom, such as traditional marriage custom, behavior of Samburu’s man against woman custom, polygamy, custom of meal for soldiers, treat guest custom. Their famous dance conga, traditional house manyatta, traditional costume kanga. Ugali is their main dish, mandazi as side dish , they also consume miraa in order to stay awake, eating twigs bushes, drink chai or tea, drink froth fat sheep, and drink the blood of livestock. The law, if someone pee near people’s hut then they must move, people who break the law must provide livestock. Knowledge, they divide the job of men and women, public transportation is matatu and personal vehicle Land Rover, they have manyatta as their residence, traditional weapon of soldier called rungu.

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Hofmann, Corinne. 2000. Die Weiße Massai. München: Knaur Taschenbuch Verlag.

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Nursito. 2000. Penuntun Mengarang. Yogyakarta: Adicita Karya Nusa.



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