Dian Nastiti,


This study is aimed at determining (1) the effectiveness of Question Student Have teaching method to increase the student’s Civic Education learning activities of SMP N 2 Depok, and (2) the effectiveness of Question Student Have teaching methods to improve student’s Civic Education learning achievement of SMP N 2 Depok.

          The type of the study is Quasi Experiment. The design of the study usage is Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The population in this study was students of class VII SMP Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta in total 127 students consisting of class VII A (32 students), class VII B (32 students), class VII C (32 students), and VII D (32 students). The samples taking in the study used simple random sampling technique. The result was obtained from 64 students that were class VII B as the control class (32 students), class VII C as the experimental class (32 students). Data collection techniques usage were observation and learning achievement test. Data were analyzed using T-test with significance level of 5%.

          The results showed that: (1) Question Student Have method was more effective than discussion method to improve the student’s Civic Education learning activities of grade VII of SMP N 2 Depok. The student’s activity which usedQuestion Student Have method wasmore effectivewhich was shown by tcount 16.850 and ttable on df 62 which wass 2,000 (tcount> ttable) and the significant value of 0.000 was smaller than the significance level of 5% (0.000 <0.05). So that, the application of the Question Student Have method was more effective than discussion method to increase the student’s Civic Education learning activities. (2) Question Student Have method was more effective than the discussion method to improve student’s Civic Education learning achievement of grade VII of SMP N 2 Depok Sleman. Question Student Have method wasmore effectivethat was shown by tcount 4,549 and ttable on df 62 which was 2,000 and the value of 0.000 was smaller than the significance level of 5% (0.000 <0.05). Gain Score which was obtained from the experimental class was 0.71 and was classified in the high category. The application of Question Student Have method was more effective than the method of discussion to improve student’s learning achievement Civic Education.

Keywords: Question Student Have Method, Learning Activities, Learning Achievement

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