Herdiana Hesti Pratiwi, , Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh informasi mengenai implementasi kebijakan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS), program – program yang mendukung implementasi kebijakan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) untuk penguatan gemar membaca dan faktor pendukung dan faktor pengambat. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Teknik analisis data menggunakan yaitu pengumpulan data, kondensasi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Teknik keabsahan data trianggulasi sumber dan tenik. Hasil penelitian: (1) implementasi kebijakan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) didukung oleh adanya a) Standar dan sasaran dari kebijakan, b). Sumber daya c) hubungan antaroganisasi melalui kerjasama, d) karakteristik agen pelaksana dengan adanya sosialisasi dan strukrur birokrasi, e) Disposisi implementor. (2) Program – program yang mendukung adalah penyediaan perpustakaan, murid pustakawan, perpustakaan tematik, pojok baca, one book one student, gerakan 15 menit membaca, story telling, the best reader and the best visiter, hari puisi sedunia, pohon literasi, mading, wakaf buku, bulletin ceria, pameran pendidikan, pembelajaran literasi, jurnal membaca, wajib kunjung perpustakaan, tadarus al-qur’an dan tahfid dan tahzin (TT). (3) faktor pendukung: sarana prasarana, sumber daya manusia, alokasi dana, murid pustakawan, majalah ceria. Faktor penghambat: waktu pelaksanaan kebijakan, kurangnya minat baca peserta didik kelas regular, kurangnya pemantauan perpuatakaan tematik di selter bus.
Kata Kunci: Implementasi kebijakan gerakan literasi sekolah, penguatan karakter gemar membaca, SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta.
This study aims to obtain information about the implementation of the School Literacy Movement policy, programs that support the implementation of the School Literacy Movement policy for strengthening reading and supporting factors and inhibiting factors. The approach of this research is qualitative. Data analysis techniques use namely data collection, data condensation, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The validity of data is triangulation of sources and techniques. The results of the study: (1) the policy implementation of the School Literacy Movement is supported by the existence of a) Standards and objectives of the policy, b). Resources c) relations between organizations through cooperation, d) characteristics of the implementing agent with the dissemination and structure of the bureaucracy, e) Disposition of the implementor. (2) Supporting programs are the provision of libraries, librarian students, thematic libraries, reading corners, one book one student, 15 minutes reading movement, story telling, the best reader and the best visiter, world poetry day, literacy tree, mading , waqf books, cheerful bulletins, educational exhibitions, literacy learning, reading journals, library visits, tadarus al-qur'an and tahfid and tahzin (TT). (3) supporting factors: infrastructure, human resources, fund allocation, librarian students, cheerful magazines. Inhibiting factors: time of implementation of the policy, lack of interest in reading regular class students, lack of monitoring thematic library on bus shelters.
Keywords: Implementation of the school literacy movement policy, strengthening reading characters, Muhammadiyah 3Junior High School Yogyakarta.

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