Zumrotul Akhamiyati, , Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) memantau progress pengerjaan skripsi, mengefektifkan waktu bimbingan, dan bimbingan terjadwal baik dengan mengembangkan sistem informasi bimbingan skripsi, (2) mengatasi kegagalan dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak sistem informasi bimbingan skripsi, dengan melakukan pengujian kualitasnya berdasarkan standard pengujian kualitas perangkat lunak ISO 25010 dari aspek functional suitability, performance efficiency, usability, security, reliability, compatibility, maintainability, dan portability. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan Research and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan waterfall yang terdiri dari 4 tahap, yaitu tahap analisis kebutuhan, tahap desain, tahap implementasi, dan tahap pengujian. Dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) sistem informasi bimbingan skripsi dapat menjadi jembatan yang memudahkan mahasiswa dan dosen dalam proses bimbingan. (2) Hasil pengujian pada aspek functional suitability mendapatkan nilai sebesar 100% dan masing-masing subkarakteristik memperoleh nilai X=1, performance efficiency memperoleh nilai rata-rata waktu memuat halaman 2,6 detik, usability memperoleh kategori sangat layak dengan persentase sebesar 85,30%, security memperoleh tingkat keamanan level 2 atau medium, reliability memperoleh nilai 1 atau 100%, compatibility, pengujian tidak dilakukan, karena sumber daya server hanya digunakan untuk aplikasi ini saja, maintainability memperoleh nilai 67,3% dengan kategori cukup, portability, karena dapat dijalankan di berbagai browser, sistem informasi telah memenuhi aspek portability.
Kata kunci: sistem informasi bimbingan skripsi, kualitas perangkat lunak, ISO 25010
The goals of the research are (1) to monitor the progress of the thesis, to make an effective consultation time, to have a good thesis schedule time, by developing an information system of thesis consultation, (2) to overcome failures in information system of thesis consultation development, by testing the software quality based on standards software quality testing ISO 25010, consists of functional suitability, performance efficiency, usability, security, reliability, compatibility, maintainability, and portability. This research uses Research and Development (R & D) method with waterfall model that consists of four phases, requirements analysis, design, implementation, and testing. The research shows that (1) information system of thesis consultation can be a bridge that facilitates students and supervisors in the process of consultation. (2) The test results on the aspects of functional suitability get the value of 100% and each sub aspect obtain the value X = 1, performance efficiency gets the average value of a page load time of 2.6 seconds, usability gets category very decent with a percentage of 85.30%, security gets security level 2 or medium, reliability get scores of 1 or 100%, compatibility, the test is not performed, because the resource is only used for this application, maintainability gets the value of 67.3% with enough category, portability, because it can run on different browser, the information system fulfills portability aspect.
Keywords: information system of thesis consultation, software quality, ISO 25010.



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