Indra Septo Aji,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan proses dan hasil menulis paragraf narasi melalui Strategi Menulis Terbimbing siswa kelas V SD Negeri Beji. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas model Kemmis dan McTaggart. Subjek penelitian yaitu guru dan siswa kelas V yang berjumlah 30 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan tes. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan lembar wawancara, lembar observasi, dan soal tes. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Indikator keberhasilan penelitian adalah skor yang diperoleh ≥ 70, persentase siswa yang tuntas mencapai 75% dari jumlah seluruh siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penggunaan strategi menulis terbimbing dengan langkah-langkah yang meliputi: a) pramenulis, b) pendrafan, c) perbaikan, d) penyuntingan, dan e) publikasi dapat meningkatkan proses dan hasil. Proses peningkatan ditunjukkan dengan siswa lebih antusias dan aktif bertanya, aktif memberikan saran kepada teman serta menjadi lebih percaya diri saat membacakan hasil karyanya di depan kelas. Hasil tes menulis paragraf siklus I sebesar 53,33% dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 68,75. Pada siklus II meningkat menjadi sebesar 76,67% dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 77,2916667.

Kata kunci: menulis paragraf narasi, strategi menulis terbimbing



This research aims at improving the process and results of writing narrative paragraph through guided writing strategy on 5 th grade students of Beji Elementary School. This research type was classroom action research which used Kemmis and McTaggart’s model. The subjects of this research were 5 th grade classroom teacher and 30 students of 5 th grade class. The data collecting techniques used interviews, tests, and observation. The data collecting instruments used tests, interview sheets, and observation sheets. The data analysis techniques were quantitative and qualitative descriptive. This research success indicators were scores obtained ≥ 70, the students passing percentation was 75% of total students. The result of this research showed that the use of guided writing strategy with steps including: a) pre-writing, b) drafting, c) revising, d) editing, and e) publishing can improve the process and results. The process improvement shown by students enthusiasm and activeness when asking questions, also actively gave suggestion to others and became more confident while reading the work result in front of the class. The paragraph writing skill test showed in 1 th cycle 53,33% with average score of 68,75. The 2 th cycle showed improvement and became 76,67% with average score of 77,2916667.

Keywords: writing narrative paragraph, guided writing strategy

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