Elisabeth Dyah Ayu Pradita,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing terhadap hasil belajar kognitif pada siswa kelas II SD Negeri 5 Wates. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain equivalent time series selama 3 kali pertemuan. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu lembar observasi guru dan siswa, soal tes serta dokumen hasil belajar. Uji validitas menggunakan Korelasi Product Moment Pearson. Uji reliabilitas menggunakan Alpha Cronbach dengan hasil sebesar 0,925. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis data deskriptif dengan uji mean dan uji N-Gain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kenaikan grade pada pertemuan I sebesar 74,27, pertemuan II sebesar 79,92 dan pertemuan III sebesar 81,73. Didukung hasil uji N-Gain sebesar 0,381726 pada kategori sedang. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh positif penggunaan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing terhadap hasil belajar kognitif pada siswa kelas II SD Negeri 5 Wates.

Kata kunci: model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing, hasil belajar kognitif


This research aims at knowing the effect of guided inquiry learning model towards cognitive learning result to second grade students at SD Negeri 5 Wates. This research was quantitative experimental research with equivalent time series design through the third meetings. Observation sheets for teacher and student, test questions and learning result documents were used as the instruments on this research. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlations was used to measure validity of the test. The reliability test that used in this research was Alpha Cronbach’s formulas with results equal to 0,925. The result of data in this research was served by using descriptive statistic analysis, which mean examining the result of posttest and N-Gain test during first meeting to third meeting The result shows mean value of posttest had been sustained increase grade, more than one grade at the first meeting equal to 74,27, the second meeting equal to 79,92 and the third meeting equal to 81,73. Also supported by the result of N-Gain test from the first meeting to third meeting, equal to 0,381726 classified in the medium category. The result of the test shows that there is positive influence of guided inquiry learning model towards cognitive learning result to second grade students at SD Negeri 5 Wates.

Keywords: guided inquiry learning model, cognitive learning result

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