Wanda Tri Utami,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika melalui penerapan model Grup Investigasi (GI) pada siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 1 Sudorogo. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dengan model spiral berdasarkan Kemmis & Mc Taggrat. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan catatan lapangan. Teknik analisis data berdasarkan refleksi di setiap siklus tindakan. Subjek penelitian adalah 8 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa adanya peningkatan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 1 Sudorogo, Kaligesing. Peningkatan hasil belajar matematika ditunjukan oleh hasil tes. Pada pratindakan dan hasil siklus 1 terdapat 0% yang mencapai KKM. Setelah itu, siklus 2 terdapat 62,5% masih dibawah indikator keberhasilan, sedangkan pada siklus 3 diperoleh hasil rata-rata 87,5% dari jumlah siswa yang mencapai KKM. Nilai rata-rata prasiklus sebesar 25,63, pada akhir siklus 1 sebesar 36,25, sedangkan pada akhir siklus 2 sebesar 58,75, dan akhir siklus 3 sebesar 71,25.

Kata kunci : hasil belajar matematika, model grup investigasi



This research purpose to increase the results of studying mathematics on 4th grade of 1 Sudorogo Elementary School by using investigation group model. This research about Classroom Action Research with a spiral model based on Kemmis & Mc Taggrat. Technique data collection used by observation, interview, documentation, and field notes. Technique data analysis to research based on reflection in every cycle from the act. The research subjects were 8 students. The results showed that there is an improve in learning outcomes 4th grade of 1 Sudorogo Elementary School, Kaligesing. An increase in mathematics indicated by test results. In pre-action and the results of cycle 1 there are 0 %  did reach KKM. After that, cycle second there are 62.5%  still under indicators success, while in cycle third obtained the average yield 87.5%) from the number of students at KKM. The average before the cycle of 25,625, at the end of the first average test scores of 36,25, while at the end of the second cycle of 58,75, and at the end of the cycle of 71,25 third.

Keyword: learning outcomes of students, group investigation model

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