Zulfan Hanif Rahman,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan interaksi sosial siswa tunadaksa di kelas VA SD Negeri Panggang. Interaksi tersebut mencakup interaksi sosial siswa tunadaksa dengan siswa normal dan interaksi sosial siswa tunadaksa dengan guru. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskripstif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa interaksi sosial siswa tunadaksa adalah sebagai berikut: (1) interaksi sosial yang terjalin antara siswa tunadaksa dan siswa normal meliputi kerjasama yang diwujudkan melalui kegiatan kelompok, dan tolong menolong, akomodasi berupa penyelesaian pertentangan melalui permintaan maaf denganketerlibatan guru, pertentangan berupa ejekan , dan persaingan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran maupun kegiatan di luar pelajaran; (2) interaksi sosial yang terjalin antara siswa tunadaksa dan guru diantaranya adalah kerjasama berupa tolong menolong, pertentangan berupa ketidaksediaan dalam menyelesaikan tugas dan akomodasi berupa perintah guru terkait pertentangan yang terjadi; (3) Hambatan yang dialami terletak pada keterbatasan fisik dan kemampuan akademis yang membuat siswa tunadaksa tidak dapat berperan banyak dalam kegiatan kelompok.

Kata kunci :interaksi sosial, siswa tunadaksa.



This study aims to describe the social interaction of the student with the physical disability in the VA class of Panggang Elementary School. These interactions included the social interaction of the physically disabled student with normal students and the teacher. This study used a qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive types. The results showed that student’s social interactions were as follows: (1) the social interaction between student with physical disability and normal students included cooperation that were formed through group activities and mutual help, accommodation in the form of settlement of conflicts through an apology with the involvement of teachers, contradictions in the form of ridicule, and competition in both learning activities and outdoor activities; (2) the social interaction between student with physical disability and the teacher were cooperation in the form of mutual help, contradictions in the form of unwillingness to complete tasks and and accommodation in the form of teacher instruction related to the contradictions that occurred; (3) The obstacle lied in physical limitations and academic abilities that made student unable to play many roles in group activities.

Keyword: social interaction, the student with the physical disability

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