Desiana Lolita Sari,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui intensitas pergaulan teman sebaya, motivasi belajar siswa, dan hubungan intensitas pergaulan teman sebaya dengan motivasi belajar siswa kelas V SD Negeri se-Gugus 1 Kecamatan Depok. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian Ex post facto. Subyek penelitian ini adalah populasi siswa kelas V sebanyak 122 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa intensitas pergaulan teman sebaya kelas V SD Negeri se-Gugus 1 Kecamatan Depok masuk dalam kategori sedang dengan presentase sebesar 65%, motivasi belajar siswa kelas V SD Negeri se-Gugus 1 Kecamatan Depok masuk dalam kategori sedang dengan presentase sebesar 65%, dan terdapat hubungan positif antara intensitas pergaulan teman sebaya dengan motivasi belajar siswa kelas V SD se-Gugus 1 Kecamatan Depok, terbukti dari hasil perhitungan korelasi Product Moment Karl Pearson dari kedua variabel tersebut yang menunjukkan nilai r sebesar 0,608 dengan nilai sig.(2-tailed) 0,000.

Kata kunci: intensitas, teman sebaya, motivasi belajar



The aims of this research are knowing the intensity of peer socialization, studying motivation, and correlation between intensity of peer socialization and studying motivation in grade v of elementary schools in cluster 1 Depok District. This research used quantity aproaching with Ex post facto research type. The subjects of this research were 122 fifth grade students. Result of the research shows that the intensity of peer socialization in grade v of elementary schools in cluster 1 Depok District includes in medium category with percentage of 65%, studying motivation in grade v of elementary schools in cluster 1 Depok District includes in medium category with percentage of 65%, and there is positive correlation between the intensity of peer socialization and studying motivation in grade v of elementary schools in cluster 1 Depok District, as evidenced by the calculation of Product Moment Correlation Karl Pearson of both variables that show the value of r 0,608 with a sig. (2-tailed) 0,000.

Key word: intensity, peer socialization, studying motivation

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