Pratiwi Khusnul Khotimah,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui:1) hubungan peran orang tua dalam mengatur belajar anak dengan hasil belajar kognitif; 2) hubungan peran orang tua dalam mengatur bermain anak dengan hasil belajar kognitif; dan 3) hubungan peran orang tua dalam mengatur belajar dan bermain dengan hasil belajar kognitif siswa kelas III SD. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasional. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 114 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu skala psikologi dan dokumentasi rata-rata nilai raport semester ganjil. Uji coba instrumen menggunakan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas.Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu korelasi product moment dan korelasi ganda. Dari hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa 1) Terdapat hubungan peran orang tua dalam mengatur belajar anak dengan hasil belajar, ditunjukkan oleh rhitung = 0,579 dan p = 0,000; 2)Terdapat hubungan peran orang tua dalam mengatur bermain anak dengan hasil belajar, ditunjukkan olehrhitung = 0,450 dan p = 0,000; 3) Terdapat hubungan peran orang tua dalam mengatur belajar anak bermain anak dengan hasil belajar kognitif siswa kelas III SD, ditunjukkan oleh Rhitung = 0,584; Rtabel = 0,176 dengan sumbangan efektif persepsi anak terhadap peran orang tua dalam mengatur belajar dan bermain anak dengan hasil belajar sebesar 32,9%, yang berarti masih ada sumbangan efektif sebesar 67,1 % berasal dari faktor lain.

Kata Kunci: peran orang tua, belajar, bermain, hasil belajar.


This research aims to know 1) the relationship of parents' role in arranging the children’s learning with cognitive achievement 2) the relationship of parents' role in arranging the children’s playing with cognitive achievement 3) the relationship of parents' role in arranging the children’s learning and playing with cognitive achievement of the third grade students of Public Elementary School. This research was correlational study. The research sample was 114 students. The instrument used in this research were psychology scale and documentation of the average score of the first semester’s report card. The test instrument used validity and reliability test. The analysis technique used product moment correlation and multiple correlation. From the analysis can be concluded that 1) There was a relationship of parents’ role in arranging the children's learning with cognitive achievement, shown by rhitung = 0.579 and p = 0.000; 2) There was a relationship of parents’ role in arranging the children's playing with cognitive achievement, shown by rhitung = 0.450 and p = 0.000; 3) There was a relationship of parents’ role in arranging the children's learning and playing with cognitive achievement of the third grade students of Public Elementary School, shown by rhitung = 0.584; Rtabel = 0.176 with the effective contribution of the children's perception of parents’ role in arranging the children’s learning and playing with cognitive achievement amounted 32.9%, which means that there was the effective contribution amounted 67.1% came from other factors.

Keywords: parents’ role, learning, playing, cognitive achievement.

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