Novita Damayanti,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan stabilitas gerak motorik halus anak melalui paper quilling pada
anak Kelompok B TK ABA Balong Cangkringan Sleman. Permasalahan yang terjadi yaitu masih rendahnya
stabilitas gerak motorik halus anak. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas kolaboratif. Subjek
penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah 16 anak yang terdiri dari sembilan anak perempuan dan tujuh anak laki-laki.
Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus penelitian. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi (checklist)
dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Peningkatan
stabilitas gerak motorik halus anak dikatakan berhasil apabila persentase keberhasilan mencapai 75%. Persentase
rata-rata kemampuan stabilitas gerak motorik halus anak mengalami peningkatan setelah anak melakukan
pemanasan di awal kegiatan dan adanya pembagian kelompok yang tepat yang dilakukan oleh guru sehingga
membuat anak lebih konsentrasi karena kelas menjadi lebih kondusif. Kondisi awal menunjukan kemampuan
stabilitas gerak motorik halus anak sebesar 46,87%, meningkat pada Siklus I menjadi 64,58% dan pada Siklus II
mencapai 80,21%. Proses dalam meningkatkan stabilitas gerak motorik halus melalui paper quilling yaitu anak
mengambil kertas dan jarum quilling, menyisipkan kertas quilling ke dalam jarum tersebut, memutar jarum agar
kertas dapat tergulung, melepas jarum dari gulungan kertas, memberi lem pada ujung kertas, dan menempel hasil
gulungan pada kertas yang telah disediakan. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan
penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan di Kelompok B TK ABA Balong melalui kegiatan paper quilling telah
Kata kunci: stabilitas gerak motorik halus, paper quilling, anak kelompok B
This study aimed to improve the stability of fine motoric motion through paper quilling of Group B students
at TK ABA Balong Cangkringan Sleman. Problems that occured were the low stability of fine motoric motion. This
research was a collaborative classroom action research. The subjects were 16 children consisted of nine girls and
seven boys. The research conducted in two cycles. The data collecting techniques were observation and
documentation. The data analyses techniques used descriptive qualitative and quantitative analyses. The
improvement of fine motoric motion stability was successful when the percentage of success reached 75%. The
average percentage of fine motoric motion stability was improved after warming up implementation at the intial
activities and the division of the appropriate class conducted by teachers thus make the child more concentration
and conducive. The initial conditions showed the stability of fine motoric motion was 46.87%, an improvement on
the Cycle I was 64.58% and 80.21% in the Cycle II. The process in enhancing the stability of the fine motor motion
through paper quilling included: children picked up the paper and quilling needle, inserted the quilling paper into
the needle, rotated the needle so that the paper could be rolled up, removed the needle from the roll of paper,
provided glue on the edge of the paper, and sticked to the results of the roll on paper that has been provided. Based
on these results, we could concluded that the classroom action research activities carried out in Group B students
at TK ABA Balong through paper quilling activities have been successful.
Keywords: stability of soft motoric motion, paper quilling, group B children

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