Shendiana Pahwana, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Yati Sugiarti, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This research was aimed at describing the elements of inner structure that include: (1) theme, (2) sense, (3) tone, and (4) lesson from a poem entitled Passion by Georg Trakl. The data in this research were in the form of stanza and line that contain information about the theme, sense, tone and the lesson of Passion by Georg Trakl. The source of the data was a text of poem entitled Passion that was taken from Anthology Series of Georg Trakl’s VII German Poems: Dreams and the Dark Soul page 114-119 that was published by Komodo Books in 2012. The data was gained through observation method; reading; taking note; and heuristic and hermeneutic reading. The data analysis used qualitative descriptive analysis technique. The validity of the data in this research used semantic validity technique. The results of the research were: (1) The theme of Passion is uncontrolled Leidenschaft (passion) which caused lifetime suffer (2) The sense contained in Passion was sadness and fear. The writer felt extremely sad because of the passion he got in life. Meanwhile, the writer was also afraid of the death that might come into him. This was because humans had been fallen into sin, so that they would suffer tremendously like Jesus had when he was crucified. The suffering that the writer had was the delineation from modern people’s suffering. (3) The tone in Passion was sarcastic, pitiful, regretful, and helpless. The sarcastic tone was written by the writer using the image of Mother Mary. Pitiful tone was imagined by the writer as a person who was suffering from leprosy. A person infected by leprosy was so messy and miserable. The writer regretted all that he had done and prayed. As the consequences from all his sins, he was isolated from the society, sneered, and judged (4) The lesson from Passion is that we should not do incest. As a family we should love and care one another. Humans should always remember God so that they would not fall into sins, because it would only give losses and grief. Every person should be optimistic. Humans should always reflect on what they had done and God should always be only one place to surrender.

Keywords: poem, inner structure



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