Priska Ratu Rosari Mere, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Svenja Völkert,, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The purposes of this research were to describe 1) the morphological form of the young people’s language in Youtube videos and (2) the language function of young people’s language in Youtube videos. This research was a descriptive-qualitative. The subject of this research were videos with the following titles (1) „8 nervige Dinge an Sylvester“, (2) „Ein Auto voll mit Youtubern“, (3) „Jan & Melina“ and (4) „Totale Eskalation in Wien auf der Gangtour“. The objects of this research were words, phrase, and sentences of young people‘s language in the videos. The data collection of this research was taken through watch-note technique and transcription. The data analysis of this research used “agih”, “padan pragmatic”, and “padan referential” method. The instrument of this research was human instrument. Interrater and Intrarater were used to determine the realibility of this research. The results were, (1) the morphological form that can be found in the videos are 25 nouns,13 verbs, 11 adjectives, and three adverbs, and (2) the language function that can be found in the videos are one metalinguistic function, four conative functions, 13 phatic functions, 14 emotiv fuctions, 15 referential functions and 21 poetical functions.



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