Fitria Puji Nur Azizah, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Akbar Kurniadi Setiawan, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The purpose of this research is to describe the stages of culture shock of the main character in a romance under the title “Die Weiße Massai” by Corinne Hofmann. The research method was objective approach using culture shock theory by Kalervo Oberg. The data source was “Die Weiße Massai”, a romance by Corinne Hofmann, published at 2000 by Knaur Taschenbuch Verlag Munich. The data were collected by employing the techniques of reading and note-taking. The data analyses were done by using descriptive qualitativ technique. The validity of the data was obtained through semantic validity and expert judgement. The reability of the data was attained through intrarater and interrater reability. The research showed that the stages of culture shock was (1) The optimistic and excitement stage (honeymoon) that are marked with the interest and excitement of the main character, expectations and hospitality of native inhabitans. (2) The crisis stage marked with difficulties, such as the difficulty of adapting, difficulties in terms of communication and transport difficulties, disappointments and rejections from the new culture, the onset of frustration marked by symptoms of homesickness, insomnia and the abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs and a hostile attitude. (3) The recovery or gradual adjustment stage experienced by the main character that is Corinne began to feel a connection with the soldiers on when they dance the dance of the Masai and the nostalgia play cards with people around. (4) The complete adjusment stage experienced by the main character, namely its ability to master the swahili phrase and was able to recognize former soldiers from the Samburu big holes in his ears.


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