Fransiskus Dinang Raja, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Thisresearch aims to describe the conflict and conflict's resolution of the characters in the drama die Räuber of Friedrich von Schiller.The study was a descriptive qualitativestudy using psychoanalytic approach. Data were taken from the drama die Räuberof Friedrich von Schiller. Data obtained by reading and writing. The research instrument is the researcher himself. The validity of the data obtained with semantic validity and expert judgment. Reliability were used intrarater and interrater reliability. Results of the research: (1) The conflictsof the characters in die Räuberconsists of internal and external conflict. Internal conflicts experienced by Karl, Franz, der alte Moor, Amalia, Spiegelberg and Daniel. The internal conflicts experienced by Karl: reality doesn’t match with expectation, anger towards the master Moor, desire to get out of the life of the robbers, the doubt to meet Amalia, anger towards Franz, the dilemma of choosing the robbers or Amalia, moral awareness and the desire to die. Internal conflicts experienced by Franz: the inner wound that have not healed, desire that can’t be realized, love rejection by Amalia, anxiety of Karl's come back, scare of his own dream, delusions and desire to die. Internal conflicts experienced byder alte Moor: reality doesn’t match with expectation, guiltybecause of punishment to Karl, guilty because of Karl's death, anger towards Franz and desire can not be fulfilled. Internal conflicts experienced by Amalia: reality doesn’t match with expectation, hopelessness to Karl, the presence of another figure similar to Karl, despair and desire to die. Internal conflict experienced by the Spiegelberg: desire that can not be realized. Internal conflict experienced by Daniel: the dilemma between the bid of enjoyment andmorality values.The external conflicts was also experienced by the characters. Karl-Franz: the desire to get rid of each other, Karl-Spiegelberg: power struggle become the leader of robbers, Franz-der alte Moor: desire of Franz for power and get rid of the master Moor, Franz-Amalia: the will forcement of Franz to Amalia, Schweitzer-Spiegelberg: the hate of Schweitzer towards Spiegelberg, robber-the town: social unrest due to act of the robbers. (2) Karl's efforts in conflict resolution: repression, displacement, apathy, aggression and rationalization. Franz: repression, identification, aggression, rationalization, retrogressive behavior and apathy. Der alte Moor: repression, dream, projection, reaction formation and retrogressive behavior. Amalia: projection, repression, asceticism, and asking for death. Spiegelberg: displacement and aggression. Daniel: repression. For solving the external conflicts all characters do aggression as a way to get rid of their rival.

Keywords: Conflict, Psychoanalysis

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konflik. diakses pada tanggal 7 Januari 2013



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