Improving The Ability in Reading Skill German Language Text for Grade XI IPS 3 Students at SMAN 2 Klaten Through Cooperative Learning Method Type Cooperative Script

Tri Hutami Wardoyo, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The research aimed to described the increase in: (1) the motivation of the students in learning German language, (2) the achievement of German language reading skills of grade 11th Social 3 of SMAN 2 Klaten research was a classroom action research. Subject of this research was the grade 11th Social 3 of SMAN 2 Klaten. This classroom action research consisted of two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative. The results of this research showed that: (1) there was a successful in process showed by the increasing of students’s motivation on learning German language reading skills by16,61% , and (2) there was a successful product showed by the increasing of the achievement of German language reading skills of grade 11th Social 3 of SMAN 2 Klaten through Cooperative Learning Method Type Cooperative Script by 22,14%.

Keywords: Classroom action research, Cooperative Script, German reading skill

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