This research aimed to describe (1) figures and characterizations (2) setting (3) plot (4) point of view and (5) integrity of figures and characterizations, setting, plot and point of view in Kinderroman titled Heidis Lehr- und Wanderjahre by Johanna Spyri in structural element analysis. This Kinderroman research approach is an objective approach. The object of this research is Kinderroman Heidis Lehr- und Wanderjahre by Johanna Spyri. The research uses human instrument. Data were obtained by observation technique and reading technique. The validity of data is done with validity and reliability as well as expert-judgments. The results of this research were: (1) Description of figures and characterizations: Heidi (kind, smart and cheerful), Peter (lazy to learn, easily persuaded and unstable), Uncle-Alm (irritable, unfriendly, skilled at work and loves Heidi), Klara (friendly and kind), Miss Rottenmeier (disliking Heidi, fierce and timid), Oma (loving and kind). (2) Description of the setting: a) Background of the place: the village, the hut of Peter, the hut of Uncle-Alm, the mountains, the house of Mr. Sesemann, the church and the house of the Pastor. b) Timeframe: activities in the day, activities in the year and life of the characters (3) The plot uses chronological order. (4) The point of view uses the third person's point of view (Er / Sie) and (5) the relationship between intrinsic elements forms a good unity and makes it easier for readers to understand the story from beginning to end.
Keywords: Children Story, Structuralism, Intrinsic Elements
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/10.21831/TLv1i1
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