Anita Risalatul Hasanah,


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan alat permainan edukatif maze alfabet yang layak
untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia mengenal huruf alfabet bagi siswa kelas I SD N Bandongan 1
Magelang. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian pengembangan dengan langkah penelitian
pengembangan dari Borg dan Gall yang dimodifikasi. Penelitian dan pengembangan yang dilakukan
hanya sampai tahap ketujuh. Uji coba produk yang dilaksanakan melalui dua tahapan, yaitu uji coba
lapangan awal dengan 5 subjek dan uji coba lapangan utama dengan 15 subjek. Analisis data
menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil validasi oleh ahli materi termasuk dalam kategori
layak dan memperoleh skor rerata 90 , sedangkan hasil validasi ahli media termasuk dalam kategori
layak dan memperoleh skor rerata 129. Uji coba lapangan awal dengan 5 subjek termasuk dalam
kategori layak dengan prosentase sebesar 98%. Sedangkan pada uji coba lapangan utama dengan 15
subjek termasuk dalam kategori layak dengan prosentase sebesar 97%.
Kata kunci: Alat permainan edukatif, Maze Alfabet, Bahasa Indonesia
The purpose of this research is to produce a suitable educative game which can help the 1st
grade students of SDN Bandongan 1 Magelang to develop their ability in identifying alphabet called
maze alphabet. This research belongs to research and development study by doing some steps from
Borg and Gall which had been modified. Therefore, this research and development was only done up
to the seven stage. The experiment test of this research carried out two steps, the first one was
employing 5 subject in the field experiment and the second one was done in real field by employing 15
subjects. Besides, descriptive quantitative method is used to analyze data. Based on the validation
result from the material expert got 90 score and included to the suitable category . The validation
result which obtained from the media expert got 129 score and included to the suitable category.
While,. The test experiment from 5 subjects obtained percentage as much as 98 % included to the
deserve category.Whereas, from the real field by employing 15 subjects obtained percentage as much
as 97 % and included to the suitable category.
Keywords: Educative Game, Maze Alphabet, Bahasa Indonesia

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