Rochmat Komarudin, Jurusan Kurikulum dan Teknologi Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk Alat Permainan Edukatif Lubang Warna yang layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran bagi anak kelompok B TK Kutilang Banyuurip, Purworejo.Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian Reasearch and Development (R&D). Subjek penelitian ini sebanyak 24 anak. Obyek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah kelayakan Alat Permainan Edukatif Lubang Warna. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah pedoman wawancara, angket, dan observasi. Kelayakan produk didasarkan pada hasil penilaian ahli materi, ahli media, dan tanggapan anak terhadap media sebagai pengguna. Data hasil angket ahli materi dan ahli media dianalisis dengan konversi skala empat. Sedangkan data hasil angket anak dianalisis dengan skala Guttman. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Alat Permainan Edukatif Lubang Warna Layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Hasil penilaian dari ahli materi (kategori layak) dengan rerata skor 3,7. Hasil penilaian dari ahli media (kategori layak), rerata skor 3,6 dan pada uji pelaksanaan lapangan (kategori layak) dengan rata-rata 0,90.
Kata kunci: Alat permainan edukatif , kelompok B Taman kanak-kanak

This study aims to produce Educational Game Tools Color Hole that feasible to be used as a medium of learning for children of group B, Kutilang Kindergarten, Banyuurip, Purworejo.
The type of this research is research and development (R&D). The subjects of this research were 24 children. The objects of this research were the feasibility of educational tool of the color hole. The research instruments which were used interview guides, questionnaires, and observations. The feasibility of the product based on the results of the assessment of material expert, media expert, and children responses to media as users. The results of the questionnaire are material and media experts were analyzed by four-scale conversion. While the results of children questionnaire data were analyzed by Guttman scale.
The results of research and discussion of this research can be concluded that the educational tools of color holes were suitable to use as a learning media. The results of the assessment of the material expert get the average score of 3.7 (viable category). The results of the assessment of the media expert get the average score of 3.6 (viable category), and the average assessment on the operational test was 0.90 (feasible category).
Keywords: Educational game tool, group B of children Kindergarten

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