Adi Tarnadi, Univeristas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) rancangan, (2) unjuk kerja dan (3) kelayakan pengembangan media pembelajaran mikrokontroler pada mata pelajaran perekayasaan sistem kontrol di SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan research and development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan ADDIE dari Robert Maribe Branch. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah: (1) rancangan media pembelajaran mikrokontroler bersifat realistis, dilengkapi dengan panduan berupa jobsheet. Spesifikasi media, dimensi casing media 200x180x60 mm, input berupa sensor suhu dan kelembaban untuk ditampilakan nilai bacanya melalui sevensgemnt. Tombol mengendalikan LED sebagai indikator batas suhu dan kelembaban ruangan. Indikator LED dan pembacaan sensor suhu dan kelembaban mengendalikan beban tegangan 220VAC (simulasi lampu) pada sistem plan sederhana yang diolah melalui mikrokontroler; (2) unjuk keja pengembangan media pembelajaran mikrokontroler pada proses pembelajaran ialah agar siswa mampu mengoperasikan LED dijadikan indikator pembatas, menampilkan hasil baca sensor suhu dan kelembaban serta mampu mengendalikan beban tegangan AC yang diolah oleh mikrokontroler terhadap sensor suhu dan kelembaban dan tombol; (3) kelayakan pengembangan media pembelajaran mikrokontroler berdasarkan penilaian ahli media diperoleh penilaian sangat layak dengan presentase 87,5%, sementara dari ahli materi terhadap pengembangan media pembelajaran diperoleh penilaian layak dengan presentase 76,77%. Berdasarkan penilaian dari pengguna, pengembangan media pembelajaran mikrokontroler diperoleh penilaian baik dengan presentase 77,88%.


Kata kunci: Media pembelajaran mikrokontroler, Perekayasaan Sistem Kontrol



This study aimed to know: (1) the design, (2) the performance and (3) the feasibility of developing microcontroller learning media on the subject of control system techniques at Vocation High School (VSH) Muhammadiyah Prambanan. This study used research and development (R&D) with ADDIE by Robert Maribe Branch. The results showed that: (1) the design of microcontroller learning media can be categorized as realistic, fully equipped with a manual in form of jobsheet. In the specifications of media consist of casing media dimension with length, width and hight which are 200mm, 180mm, 60mm respectively. The input of microcontroller learning media used temperature and humidity sensor to display the value of reading through sevensegment. Button controlled the LED as an indicator of room temperature and humidity limits. The indicator of LED and measurement of temperature and humidity sensor controlled the 220VAC (simulated lights) on a simple plan system was processed by microcontroller; (2) the result of the performance of developing a learning media of microcontroller on learning process was the students could operate LED which used a limiting indicator, display the temperature and humidity sensor reading results, as well as control the AC voltage processed by the microcontroller against the temperature and humidity sensor; (3) the microcontroller learning media for teaching control system techniques has met very good feasilbility. It is indicated by the expert judgments of media aspects wich obtained a very good percentage of 8.75% wich mean very feasible and from the material aspects obtained a good perceentage of 76.77% which mean feasible. Furthemore, the result of user judgment showed that the percentage of the learning media was 77.88% which categorized as good.


Keywords: Learning microntroller media,  control system techniques.

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