Ahmad Harisatu Zakaria, , Indonesia
Minta Harsana, M.Sc, , Indonesia


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) memperoleh informasi penyelenggaraan program pelatihan
LKS bidang restaurant service di SMKN 1 Sewon, (2) mengetahui efektifitas materi program pelatihan LKS
bidang restaurant service di SMKN 1 Sewon, (3) mengetahui informasi ketersediaan fasilitas program
pelatihan LKS bidang restaurant service di SMKN 1 Sewon, (4) memperoleh informasi tentang kualifikasi
instruktur program pelatihan LKS bidang restaurant service di SMKN 1 Sewon.
Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian evaluasi program dengan model evaluasi kirkpatrick
approach model pertama (tingkat reaksi). Subjek penelitian ini adalah program pelatihan LKS 2015 dengan
populasi semua yang terlibat dalam program pelatihan, tetapi karena peneliti membatasi masalah yang ada,
maka dibutuhkan sampel.teknik pengambilan sampel jenis purposive sampling yaitu peserta pelatihan
sebanyak 1 orang dan intruktur pelatihan SMKN 1 Sewon sebanyak 4 orang. Pengambilan data informasi
penyelenggaraan dengan angket tertutup, data kualifikasi instruktur dengan angket terbuka.Data yang
diperoleh dicocokkan dengan data wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Data kemudian dianalisis
menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif evaluasi.
Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa: (1) informasi keterlaksanaan program diperoleh data point selalu
(19), Sering (6), Kadang-Kadang (0), dan Tidak Pernah (0). Data dihitung dengan rumus index % diperoleh
hasil 97,6% (Sangat Baik), (2) efektifitas materi aspek kesesuaian materi dengan program pelatihan (100%).
Efektifitas penyampaian diperoleh data point sangat menguasai (28), point Menguasai (27), Point kurang
menguasai (0), sangat Kurang Menguasai (0). Data dihitung dengan rumus index % diperoleh hasil
pengusaaan materi peserta pelatihan mencapai 85,9% (Sangat Menguasai), (3) informasi ketersediaan
fasilitas prasarana dan sarana berdasarkan data menunjukkan sebagian besar peralatan pelatihan yang
dibutuhkan tersedia dan dapat digunakan, (4) informasi kualifikasi instruktur dilihat dari aspek latar belakang
pendidikan instruktur diperoleh data sarjana (20%) magister (20%) SMK (40%). Aspek pengalaman
membimbing sebagian besar instruktur cukup baik sesuai bidangnya. Aspek pengalaman pelatihan sebagian
besar instruktur cukup baik yang diselenggarakan pemerintah maupun badan swasta.

Kata kunci: evaluasi program, pelatihan LKS


The purpose of this research is: (1) to obtain information the program training LKS the field of
restaurant service in SMKN 1 Sewon, (2) to know the effectiveness of material training programs LKS the
field of restaurant service in SMKN 1 Sewon, (3) to know information the availability of facilities training
programs LKS the field of restaurant service in SMKN 1 Sewon, (4) to obtain information about qualification
instructors training programs LKS the field of restaurant service in SMKN 1 Sewon.
The kind of research done is research program evaluation with a model evaluation and more approach
the first model ( the level of reaction ). The subject of study it is a training LKS 2015 with a population of all
those involved in training program, but because researchers limit problem, it takes sample with
characteristics that in accordance with their needs. Technique the sample collection kind of purposive
sampling namely the participants by one people and intruktur training SMKN 1 Sewon as many as four 

people. The data information the collected with the methods chief closed, qualification instructors data
collected by chief open, then the data quantitative obtained processed using likert scale.The data collected
match with data interview, observation and documentation.The data collected then analyzed using a
technique descriptive analysis evaluation.
The results of the study be seen that: (1) succes program information obtained data point always (19),
often (6), sometimes (0), and never (0). Data calculated by formula index % the results 97,6% (very good ,
(2) the effectiveness of material aspects conformity of materials with the program the 100% ).The
effectiveness of delivery of obtained data point very control (28) , point control (27), point less control (0),
was much less control (0).Data calculated by formula index % the results the acceptance of matter the
participants reached 85.9 % (very of acceptance), (3) information the availability of facilities infrastructure
and means based on the data showing most equipment training required available and can be used, (4)
information qualification instructors when viewed from the aspect education background instructors obtained
data scholar (20%) magister (20% )SMK (40% ).

Keywords: evaluation of the program, training student competency competition

Full Text:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/jcet.v6i1.6750


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