Marlina Intani, , Indonesia
Rizqie Auliana, M.Kes, , Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) tingkat kepuasan pasien di RS. At-Turots Al-
Islamy Yogyakarta dilihat dari tangible, (2) ) tingkat kepuasan di RS. At-Turots Al-Islamy Yogyakarta
dilihat dari reliability, (3) tingkat kepuasan pasien di RS. At-Turots Al-Islamy Yogyakarta dilihat dari
responsiveness,(4) tingkat kepuasan pasien di RS. At-Turots Al-Islamy Yogyakarta dilihat dari
assurance,(5) tingkat kepuasan pasien di RS. At-Turots Al-Islamy Yogyakarta dilihat dari empathy.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey. Ukuran sampel penelitian sebanyak 100 sampel,
ditentukan dengan teknik proportionate stratified random sampling. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa:
(1) tingkat kepuasan pasien dilihat dari tangible kelas I tidak puas, kelas II puas, kelas III puas (2)
tingkat kepuasan pasien dilihat dari reliability kelas I, II dan III puas (3) tingkat kepuasan pasien
dilihat dari responsiveness kelas I, II dan III puas (4) tingkat kepuasan pasien dilihat dari assurance
kelas I tidak puas, kelas II puas, kelas III tidak puas (5) tingkat kepuasan pasien dilihat dari empathy
kelas I, II dan III tidak puas.

Kata kunci: kepuasan pasien, RS. At-Turots Al-Islamy Yogyakarta


This research aims to find out: (1) the satisfaction level of the patients of At-Turots Al-Islamy
Hospital from the perspective of its tangible, (2) the satisfaction level of the patients of At-Turots AlIslamy

Hospital from the perspective of its reliability, (3) the satisfaction level of the patients of AtTurots

Al-Islamy Hospital from the perspective of its responsiveness, (4) the satisfaction level of the
patients of At-Turots Al-Islamy Hospital from the perspective of its assurance, (5) the satisfaction level
of the patients of At-Turots Al-Islamy Hospital from the perspective of its empathy.This research was
conducted based on survey research. The sample, consisting of 100 patients, was selected by means of
the proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The result of this research showed that: (1)
the satisfaction level of the patients of At-Turots Al-Islamy Hospital from the perspective of its
tangible class I not satisfied, class II satisfied, class III satisfied, (2) the satisfaction level of the
patients of At-Turots Al-Islamy Hospital from the perspective of its reliability class I satisfied, class I,
class II and class III saisfied, (3) the satisfaction level of the patients of At-Turots Al-Islamy Hospital
from the perspective of its responsiveness class I, class II and class III satisfied, (4) the satisfaction
level of the patients of At-Turots Al-Islamy Hospital from the perspective of its assurance class I not
satisfied, class II satisied, class III not satiesfied, (5) the satisfaction level of the patients of At-Turots
Al-Islamy Hospital from the perspective of its empathy class I, class II and class III are not satisfied.

Keywords: patient’s satisfaction, At-Turots Al-Islamy Hospital Yogyakarta


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/jcet.v5i5.4114


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