Andisya Putri Pramudawardani,


This study aims to find out: (1) the effect of the intensity of the use of Facebook and Twitter social networking on the learning achievement of students of Social Studies education, and (2) the impact of the intensity of the use of Facebook and Twitter social networking on students of Social Studies Education.
This was an exploratory survey study. The independent variable was the intensity of the use of Facebook and Twitter and the dependent variable was the learning achievement. The
3 |Pengaruh Intensitas. . .(Andisya Putri Pramudawardani)
research subjects were 50 students of the 2012 admission year. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire and documentation. The validity was assessed by the product moment correlation and the reliability by Cronbach’s Alpha formula. The tests of analysis assumptions were tests of normality and linearity and the hypothesis testing used simple linear regression.
Based on the results of the study, the conclusions are as follows. 1) There is a negative effect of the intensity of the use of Facebook and Twitter social networking on the learning achievement of students of Social Studies Education, Yogyakarta State University. This is indicated by a correlation coefficient of -0.248 and a coefficient of determination (Rsquare) of 0.061. The regression equation is Y = 3.636 + (-0.010) X. The equation shows that the coefficient of the intensity of the use of Facebook and Twitter social networking of 0.064 means that if the value of the intensity of the use of Facebook and Twitter social networking increases by one unit, the value of the learning achievement will decrease by 0.010 unit. (2) There is an impact of the use of Facebook and Twitter social networking on students of Social Studies Education. Based on the results of the study, it is revealed that the impact experienced by most respondents is the effect type of distraction, with the impact of using Facebook and Twitter while doing assignments.
Keywords: Intensity of the Use of Facebook and Twitter Social Networking, Learning Achievement

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