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Ertin Kurnianita,


This study aimed to investigate: (1) efforts to improve the students’ cooperative skills and learning activeness in Social Studies learning in Grade VIII G of SMPN 1 Minggir, Sleman, through the use of the Co-op Co-op type of the Cooperative Learning model; (2) the improvement of their cooperative skills and learning activeness in Social Studies learning through the use of the Co-op Co-op type of the Cooperative Learning model; and (3) the improvement of their learning outcomes in Social Studies learning through the use of the Co-op Co-op type of the Cooperative Learning model.
This was a classroom action research (CAR) study using the stages of planning, action and observation, and reflection. The study was planned in two cycles. The research subjects were the students of Grade VIII G of SMP Negeri 1 Minggir in the 2015/2016 academic year with a total of 32 students. The data were collected through observations, questionnaires, and tests.
The results of the study were as follows. 1) Efforts to improve the students’ cooperative skills, learning activeness, and outcomes in Social Studies learning through the use of the Co-op Co-op type of the Cooperative Learning model in Grade VIII G of SMP Negeri 1 Minggir, Sleman, were made by directing the students to make groups, dividing their topics into sub-topics, asking each student to individually accomplish the task in accordance with the sub-topic, asking the students to carry out a small presentation in groups and to write a report, and asking each group to carry out a presentation in front of the class. 2) The improvement of the students’ cooperative skills and learning activeness was as follows. (a) Based on the results of observations, the students’ cooperative skills were 68.55% in Cycle I and they improved to 84.17% in Cycle II. Meanwhile, their learning activeness was 69.35% in Cycle I and it improved to 83.00% in Cycle II. (b) Based the results of questionnaires, their cooperative skills were 69.83% in Cycle I and they improved to 84.97% in Cycle II. Meanwhile, their activeness was 70.53% in Cycle I and it improved to 84.04% in Cycle II. 3) The improvement of the students’ learning outcomes, the mean was 66.87 in Cycle I and it improved to 81.25 in Cycle II. The improvement from Cycle I to Cycle II in all the aspects of cooperation, learning activeness, and outcomes satisfied the criterion for the action success, namely 81.25, so that the study was successful.
Keywords: Co-op Co-op Type of Cooperative Learning Model, Students’ Cooperative Skills, Students’ Learning Activeness and Outcomes, Social Studies Learning

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