The Implementation of Humanist Education in Gajahwong School

Desita Mah, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Education is the process of humanizing humans in a complete way towards independence from the outside and the inside. Therefore, education must come into direct contact with concrete efforts in the form of teaching. This study aims to determine the application of humanist education at the Gajahwong School. The background of the current educational situation tends to be teacher-centered, thus making students passive objects. This study used qualitative descriptive approach and subjects of this study were the school coordinator and teachers. The research data was collected using observation, interview and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique in this study used an interactive qualitative analysis model by Miles and Huberman, with the stages: (1) reducing the data obtained, (2) presenting the data with narrative text and pictures, (3) drawing conclusions and verification. The result of this study showed: (1) Lessons planning integrates humanistic values on learning methods and learning evaluation. The learning methods uses student-centered approach that are varied and innovative to provide students with real experience and meaningful learning experience. Learning evaluation planning has included cognitive, motoric, linguistic, and social emotion aspect. (2) The implementation of learning at Gajahwong School places students as the center of learning, teachers have main role as a facilitator to transform the original ideas of the students in determining themes and class agreement. (3) Learning evaluation includes cognitive, linguistic, motor and social aspects of emotion, and is more process-based.


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