Munandar Raharjo,
Dyah Kumalasari,


The Tri Koro Dharmo organization was the first youth organization in Indonesia established by STOVIA youth on March 1915 in Jakarta. The Tri Koro Dharmo organization had three noble objectives, namely power, intellect, and dedication. This study aimed to investigate: (1) the conditions of the organization at the beginning of the national movement, (2) the development of the Tri Koro Dharmo organization, and (3) roles the Tri Koro Dharmo organization in the national movement.

The study employed the historical method by Kuntowijoyo consisting of five stage, i.e.: (1) topic selection, namely problem determination; (2) heuristics, namely the stage in which the researcher collected sources; (3) source criticism, namely the stage to critically filter the collectes historical sources; (4) interpretation, namely the interpretation of histrorical facts into a unity based on the determined rules; and (5) histroriography, namely the final stage in which the resercher presented all facts in history writing.

The results of the study were as follows. (1) The Tri Koro Dharmo organization was established because the youth were excluded from the Budi Utomo organization was which became the organization of bureaucrat aristocrat groups. The youth felt that their opportunity for organizational was a outh over by aristocrat groups. (2) The Tri Koro Dharmo organization was a youth organization established on 7 March 1915. The Tri Koro Dharmo organization had three noble objectives, namely power, intellect, and dedication. The branches of the Tri Koro Dharmo organization grew rapidly in Java Island. (3) The Tri Koro Dharmo organization played a role in national movement era as a place for training in organizations for the youth. The social activities of the Tri Koro Dharmo organization were positive by collecting scholarship funds for indigenous students, staging art shows such as gamelan (Javanese orchestra), dance, and wayang (shadow puppets) to entertain people and to collect funds for natural disaster victims.

 Keywords: National Movement, Tri Koro Dharmo, Development

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Penanggung Jawab     :  Dr. Dyah Kumalasari

Pimpinan Redaksi       :  Dr.Aman, M.Pd

Anggota Redaksi        :  Alifi Nur Prasetio N. , M.Pd

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