Linda Nuraini, , Indonesia


This study aimed to (1) describe the types of the figurative expressions of The Jubilee Express story in Johnson’s novel Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances and their translated expressions in Kesauly and Ardiana’s novel Dalam Derai Salju (2) describe the translation techniques are used, and (3) describe the degree of meaning equivalence of the expressions in the English novel and their translated expressions in the Bahasa Indonesia novel. This study was a descriptive qualitative study. The sources of the data were The Jubilee Express story from Johnson’s novel Let it Snow: Three Holiday Romances and its translation in Kesauly and Ardiana’s Let it Snow Dalam Derai Salju. The data were analyzed using content analysis technique. The researcher analyzed the types of figurative language existed in the story, described the techniques of translation used in translating the figurative language and also described the degree of meaning equivalence on it. The data and the analysis were in the form of sentence and descriptions. The results of the study were as follows. (1) The types of figurative expressions found in the story fell into seven types. The type of figurative expression that was mostly used in the story was hyperbole. It means that figurative expressions most prominently represented exaggeration. (2) The translation techniques used in the story fell into 11 translation techniques. The most frequent technique of translation that the translator used was literal translation. This indicates that the translation of figurative expressions in the story was still very much focused on literal meaning, not on how to recreate the figurative expressions in the target text. (3) The overall degree of meaning of the related expressions of the two novels fell into a high degree category. The figurative expressions in the story were mostly represented in fully equivalent meaning.


Keywords: translation, figurative expressions, techniques of translation, degree of

                   meaning equivalence.

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