Fulan Nisyaroh, , Indonesia


This study aims to identify the types and functions of figurative language in Teenage Dream. This research employed descriptive qualitative method. The data of this study were taken from the song lyrics in the album entitled Teenage Dream by Katy Perry. The data were in the form of expressions which contain figurative language. Triangulation was used to establish the reliability of data, and to ensure the findings, so that it can enhance trustworthiness. The results of the research show that only ten out of twelve types of figurative language are employed in the album. They are metaphor, simile, personification, metonymy, synecdoche, symbol, paradox, hyperbole, irony, and litotes. The most often used type of figurative language is hyperbole. The hyperboles are used to make the listeners understand and accept the feeling, effort, and motivation of the singer. Meanwhile, the four functions of figurative language are found in the album. They are to give imaginative pleasure, to bring additional imagery, to add emotional intensity, and to concentrate meaning in brief compass. The most frequent functions are adding emotional intensity and bring additional imagery. Among the ten types of figurative language found in the album, hyperbole is the most influential linguistic expression which adds emotional intensity in listeners’ feeling. The dramatic effect of hyperbole could enhance the readers’ feeling on the story of the songs.



Keywords: figurative language, types, functions, Teenage Dream

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