Mohammad Noor Pamungkas, , Indonesia


The objectives of the research are (1) to describe the type of modulation techniques in Gie’s Bahasa Indonesia-English movie texts, and (2) to describe the degrees of meaning equivalence of Bahasa Indonesia-English expressions using modulation techniques in Gie’s Bahasa Indonesia-English movie texts.

            This research employed qualitative method. The data sources of this research were the movie entitled Gie and its Bahasa Indonesia-English movie texts. The data were in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences that spoken by the main character named Soe Hok Gie, while the contexts were dialogues. The technique of data collection was note-taking. The technique of data analysis was referential analysis. Analyst triangulation was used to establish the reliability of data and to ensure the findings. Hence, it can enhance trustworthiness of the data.

The results of this research are explained as follows. First, there are nine types of modulation technique found in Gie’s Bahasa Indonesia-English movie texts, namely abstract for concrete, explicative modulation, part to whole, part to another, reversal of terms, interval for limits, active for passive, negation of opposite, and change of symbol. There is no single datum that belongs to space for time.Of the nine types, part to whole is the most occurring type with 30 occurrences. It indicates that the translator tries to making the language sounds as general as possible in the target language. Thus, the movie can be easily understood by the readers of the target language. Second, it can be said that the translator quite succeeds in translating the subtitle. It can be seen that the most expression translated using modulation technique reach optimum translation and near optimum translation which are 114 data or 79.2%. Meanwhile, the rest or 30 data or 20.8% reach weak translation and zero equivalence.  The findings indicate that the accuracy of this translation is quite high.


Keywords: modulation, degrees of meaning equivalence, translation technique

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