Mardhiyyah Lolita Bandu, English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia



The research aims to identify the compressed elements through the language compression strategy in the Bahasa Indonesia subtitle of The Shawshank Redemption, the information is omitted through the deletion strategy in the Bahasa Indonesia subtitle of the film, and the effects of the language compression and deletion strategy on the meaning equivalence in it.

This research applied a combination of qualitative and quantitative method, namely mixed method. The data sources of this research were The Shawshank Redemption film and its Bahasa Indonesia subtitle text The data were in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. While the contexts of the data were the dialogue. The data were collected and analyzed by categorizing the data which employed language compression and deletion. The trustworthiness of the data was gained by triangulation.

The results of this research are stated as follows. Firstly, there are seven elements which are compressed through language compression strategy found in The Shawshank Redemption and its Bahasa Indonesia subtitle. Of the seven elements, noun is the most often occurring type with 19 occurrences. It means that noun is not significant in delivering messages. It proves that the need for text compression is due to time and space constraint, in which the viewer should be given sufficient time to read, to watch, and to listen at the same time. Secondly, there are four parts of speech which are omitted through deletion strategy found in The Shawshank Redemption and its Bahasa Indonesia subtitle. Of the four information, the most often omitted parts of speech is complement. It means that complement is not significant in transferring messages. Deletion is needed since it changes the spoken register to the written register, in which the unnecessary spoken features in the source language are omitted in the target language. Lastly, the effects of language compression and deletions strategy on meaning equivalence are partial equivalence and no equivalence. Partial equivalence occurs the most in this case. It occurs 90 times. It means that the translation product or the subtitle of The Shawshank Redemption film is good and acceptable for Indonesian viewers.


Keywords: The Shawshank Redemption, language compression, deletion

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