Diah Putri Utami, English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia



This research is a pragmatics study of the use of politeness strategies in Josh Boon’s The Fault in Our Star. The research seeks to identify the types and to describe the realizations of politeness strategies.

This research employed qualitative approach as it explained the utterances in the movie which contained politeness strategies. The data were in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences in the context of the character’s dialogues. The data were collected y following procedures such as watching the movie, checking the accuracy of the transcript, identifying the utterances containing politeness strategies, and compiling them into the data sheet. To conclude, the researcher involved peer review triangulation to verify the trustworthiness.

The results of the study show that four types of politeness strategies are applied. They are bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record strategy. In term of realizations of politeness strategies, there are 20 realizations of politeness strategies. First, bald on record includes speaker and hearer no face redress, metaphorical urgency and task oriented realization. Second, there are 12 realizations of positive politeness. They are notice, attend to hearer, exaggerate, intensity interest to hearer, use in group identity marker speaker knowledge, seek agreement, avoid disagreement, joke, assert of presuppose, be optimistic, include both speaker and hearer in activity, give reason, assume/assert reciprocity. Third, negative politeness strategy is manifested in three realizations. They are conventionally be indirect, minimize imposition and apologize realizations. Last, off record is realized by 2 sub strategies. They are be ironic and rhetorical questions. Hence, there are some realizations that are not found in the conversation since there are some new characters included in this movie. Thus, it creates social distance and formal conversations between the characters.


Keywords: pragmatic analysis, politeness strategies, The Fault in Our Stars

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Printed Sources

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Electronic Sources

Moini, S. E. (2016: 1-13). Politeness Strategies Used in Text Messaging: Pragmatic Competence in Asimmetrical Power Relation of Teacher – student. Retrieved from ournal.sgo.sagepug.com: http://doi.org/10.1177/2158244016632288.journal.sgo.sagepug.com on 27 July 2017


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