Mohammad Imawan Helmi,


This research has two objectives.  The first is to describe  the views or perspectives  of John Ste inbeck toward the effects of materialism in Mexican colonial era depicted through The Pearl. The second is to reveal the way John Steinbeck describes the phenomena through the literary elements of the novella. This

research applies genetic  structuralism  theory that is proposed by Lucien Goldmann.  The researcher  used qualitative analysis. The research’s main data were expressions taken from Steinbeck’s The Pearl. To analyze

the data, the researcher used deductive approach. To ensure the trustworthiness of the data, the researcher applied triangulation. The first result of this research is that there are Steinbeck’s worldviews on the effects of materialism that can be explained into three  categories.  The first one is the trait of possessiveness.  It

can be defined as the desire to possess someone’s things.  The  trait can be seen through the  character  of

Kino, the  neighbors, the  doctor, the  priest and the pearl buyers. The second trait is envy. It can be seen through the character of the neighbors and the doctor. The third trait is non-generosity.  It can be defined

as a reluctant feeling to share possession and it can be seen through the doctor and the pearl buyers. The

second result is that there are three significant literary elements representing Steinbeck worldviews  i.e. the character, the plot and the setting.


Keywords: Genetic  structuralism,  worldview,  materialism,  literary element,  John Steinbeck,  The Pearl.

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