Irsyadi Nafis,


This  research  examines  the  deployment  of  the  speech  acts  of  request  in  Spielberg’s  Bridge of  Spies  using pragmatic approach. This study aims at identifying and explaining the types, strategies, and

purposes of request. This research used a qualitative method. The data were utterances spoken by the characters in Bridge of Spies which were analyzed within the dialogue as the context. The data source was the script of the dialogues spoken by the characters. The data sheet was the instrument of this research. To

check the credibility of the analysis, investigator triangulation was applied. The results of this research are described as follows. First, there are four request types found in the movie, i.e. unconventionally indirect

request, conventionally indirect request based on the speaker, conventionally indirect request based on the hearer, and direct request. Second, there are eight request strategies revealed: hint, questioning hearer’s ability/willingness,  suggestory  formulae,  statement  of  speaker’s  wishes/desires,  statement  of  speaker’s

needs/demands,  and   statement   of   obligation/necessity,   performatives,   and   imperatives.   Third,   four request purposes are found in the movie, i.e. request for goods, request for initiation of action, request for

cessation of action, and request for a joint activity.In conclusion, the results demonstrate how the types of request may affect requestees' linguistic behaviour and request purposes may be related significantly to the

choice of request strategies. Thus, the developmental pattern of the request strategies  may differ according to the request. As a result, the request types, strategies and purposes are associated to each other.



Keywords: request, types, strategies, purposes, Spielberg’s Bridge of Spies.



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