Address Terms, Translation Strategies, And Meaning Equivalence in Doyle’s The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dianasari’s Petualangan Sherlock Holmes

Rian Febriyanto, , Indonesia
Asrudin Barori Tou, , Indonesia
Yosa Abduh Alzuhdy, , Indonesia


Address terms is defined as the terms that shows our relation and referring to the people we mean, to translate a text that contains address terms a translator needs to learn the address terms and also using good strategy before translate it into another language. This research is aimed to find address terms, translation strategy, and the result of meaning equivalent in Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Daisy Dianasari’s Petualangan Sherlock Holmes to show the degree of its equivalent meaning. This research employs a mixed method which involves descriptive qualitative as well as quantitative method. The findings of this research show that there are two types of address terms found in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, i.e. titles and endearment and expression; endearment and expression appears more often. The translator employed thirteen strategies in translating the address terms, i.e. transference, cultural equivalent, functional equivalent, descriptive equivalent, synonymy, through-translation, shifts or transpositions, modulation, recognized translation, compensation, paraphrase, couplets, and notes. The translator employed four meaning equivalent degrees, i.e. fully equivalent and partly equivalent which is categorized in equivalent, and different meaning, and no meaning which is categorized in non-equivalent. From 129 data, 83 data or 64,34% of this data research is defined as equivalent and 46 data or 36,66% of this data research is defined as non-equivalent. From the findings, it indicates that the result of the translation from the translator is good to understand for Indonesian readers.


Keywords: address terms, translation strategy, meaning equivalent

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