Tegar Aziz, , Indonesia


Penelitian bertujuan untuk : 1) merancang Multimedia Interaktif Pengenalan
Instrumen Saron, dan 2) mengetahui tingkat kelayakan Multimedia Interaktif Pengenalan
Instrumen Saron Menggunakan Hardware Controller. Jenis penelitian ini adalah research
and development. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI SMK Negeri 1 Kebumen
berjumlah 36 siswa. Instrumen penelitian berupa angket. Teknik analisis data menggunakan
analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) multimedia interaktif pengenalan
saron menggunakan hardware controller dirancang menggunakan tahapan (a) analisis
kebutuhan, (b) perancangan, (c) implementasi, (d) pengujian, (e) validasi ahli materi dan ahli
media, (f) revisi, (g) uji coba produk, dan (h) produk; dan (2) kelayakan multimedia interaktif
pengenalan instrumen saron menggunakan hardware controller berdasarkan penilaian ahli
media adalah sangat setuju dan setuju (50,00%), ahli materi adalah sangat setuju (100,00%).
Berdasarkan penilaian responden terhadap aspek yang terdapat pada multimedia interaktif
antara lain a) aspek teknis sangat setuju (55,6%), b) aspek manfaat sangat setuju (61,1%), c)
aspek isi materi sangat setuju (50,00%), dan d) aspek penilaian secara keseluruhan termasuk
dalam kategori sangat setuju (63,9%).
Kata kunci: multimedia interaktif, instrumen saron, dan hardware controller

The study aims to: 1) design the Interactive Multimedia Introduction to Instruments Saron, and
2) determine the feasibility of Interactive Multimedia Introduction to Instruments Saron Using
Hardware Controller. This type of research is research and development. The research sample is a
class XI student of SMK Negeri 1 Kebumen total of 36 students. The research instrument in the form
of questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results show that 1) interactive
multimedia introduction saron using a hardware controller designed using the stages (a) analysis of
needs, (b) design, (c) implementation, (d) test, (e) validation of subject matter experts and media
experts, (f) revision, (g) of product trials, and (h) the product; and (2) the feasibility of the
introduction of interactive multimedia saron instruments using a hardware controller based media
expert assessment is strongly agree and agree (50.00%), materials experts are strongly agree
(100.00%). Based on respondents' assessment of the aspects of the interactive multimedia, among
others, a) the technical aspects strongly agree (55.6%), b) the beneficial aspects strongly agree
(61.1%), c) the content of the material aspect strongly agree (50.00% ), and d) aspects of the overall
assessment is included in the category of strongly agree (63.9%).
Keywords: interactive multimedia, instruments saron, and hardware controller

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