Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu produk berupa software media
pembelajaran senam lantai yang dapat digunakan sebagai metode baru dalam pembelajaran
teknik dalam cabang olahraga senam lantai untuk atlet.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development. Langkahlangkah
penelitian ini mengadaptasi dari langkah penelitian Borg dan Gall yang terdiri dari
10 langkah, akan tetapi di adaptasi sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini. Uji
coba skala kecil dilakukan terhadap 3 atlet senam lantai, sedangkan uji coba skala besar
dilakukan terhadap 10 atlet senam lantai. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan
data adalah lembar evaluasi, dan angket skala penilaian. Data hasil evaluasi berbentuk
deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data yang bersifat kualitatif diperoleh melalui kegiatan
validasi ahli dan kegiatan uji coba yang berupa masukan, tanggapan serta kritik dan saran.
Data yang bersifat kuantitatif yang berupa penilaian, dihimpun melalui angket atau kuesioner
uji coba produk, pada saat kegiatan uji coba, dianalisis dengan analisis kuantitatif deskriptif.
Persentase dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui status sesuatu yang dipresentasikan dan disajikan
tetap berupa persentase. Sesudah sampai ke persentase lalu ditafsirkan dengan kalimat yang
bersifat kualitatif.
Hasil analisis data pada penelitian pengembangan ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil
penilaian produk “Software Media Pembelajaran Stop Motion Teknik Senam Lantai pada
Smartphone Berbasis Android” dapat digunakan sebagai media belajar dalam senam lantai
dengan presentase 91,67% responden menyatakan media pembelajaran Sangat Sesuai/ Sangat
Layak dan 8,33% responden menyatakan media pembelajaran Sesuai/Layak. Keseluruhan
mengenai aspek materi dan desain produk diperoleh rata-rata 4.875 dengan kategori Sangat
Sesuai atau persentase 97.5% responden menyatakan Sangat Sesuai.
Kata kunci: Media Pembelajaran, Software Android, Senam Lantai
This study aimed to yield a product in the form of learning media software for floor
gymnastics that could be used as a new method in technique learning in the sports branch of
floor gymnastics for athletes.
The research method was Research and Development. The steps in the study used the
10 research steps by Borg and Gall, but they were adapted in accordance with the objective of
this research and development. The small-scale tryout was conducted by involving 3 floor
gymnastics athletes and the large-scale tryout was conducted by involving 10 floor
gymnastics athletes. The data collecting instruments were an evaluation sheet and an
assessment scale questionnaire. The data of the evaluation results were qualitative and
quantitative descriptive data. The quantitative data were collected through the expert
validation and the tryout activities in the form of inputs, responses, criticisms, and
suggestions. The quantitative data were in the form of assessment, collected by a
questionnaire for the product tryout in the tryout activity and analyzed using the quantitative
descriptive technique. Percentages were used to find out the status of the presented items and
were displayed. The percentages were then interpreted using sentences which were
qualitative in nature.
Based on the results of the data analysis in this research and development, it can be
concluded that the product of learning media software for the stop motion technique in floor
gymnastics using android-based smart phones can be used as learning media for floor
gymnastics, indicated by the fact that 97.67% of the respondents state that the learning media
are very appropriate/very adequate and 8.33% state that the learning media are appropriate/
adequate. On the whole, the aspects of the materials and design product attain a mean of
4.875 with the very appropriate category and 97.5% of the respondents state that the media
are very appropriate.
Keywords:Learning Media, Android Software, Floor Gymnastics
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu produk berupa software media
pembelajaran senam lantai yang dapat digunakan sebagai metode baru dalam pembelajaran
teknik dalam cabang olahraga senam lantai untuk atlet.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development. Langkahlangkah
penelitian ini mengadaptasi dari langkah penelitian Borg dan Gall yang terdiri dari
10 langkah, akan tetapi di adaptasi sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini. Uji
coba skala kecil dilakukan terhadap 3 atlet senam lantai, sedangkan uji coba skala besar
dilakukan terhadap 10 atlet senam lantai. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan
data adalah lembar evaluasi, dan angket skala penilaian. Data hasil evaluasi berbentuk
deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data yang bersifat kualitatif diperoleh melalui kegiatan
validasi ahli dan kegiatan uji coba yang berupa masukan, tanggapan serta kritik dan saran.
Data yang bersifat kuantitatif yang berupa penilaian, dihimpun melalui angket atau kuesioner
uji coba produk, pada saat kegiatan uji coba, dianalisis dengan analisis kuantitatif deskriptif.
Persentase dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui status sesuatu yang dipresentasikan dan disajikan
tetap berupa persentase. Sesudah sampai ke persentase lalu ditafsirkan dengan kalimat yang
bersifat kualitatif.
Hasil analisis data pada penelitian pengembangan ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil
penilaian produk “Software Media Pembelajaran Stop Motion Teknik Senam Lantai pada
Smartphone Berbasis Android” dapat digunakan sebagai media belajar dalam senam lantai
dengan presentase 91,67% responden menyatakan media pembelajaran Sangat Sesuai/ Sangat
Layak dan 8,33% responden menyatakan media pembelajaran Sesuai/Layak. Keseluruhan
mengenai aspek materi dan desain produk diperoleh rata-rata 4.875 dengan kategori Sangat
Sesuai atau persentase 97.5% responden menyatakan Sangat Sesuai.
Kata kunci: Media Pembelajaran, Software Android, Senam Lantai
This study aimed to yield a product in the form of learning media software for floor
gymnastics that could be used as a new method in technique learning in the sports branch of
floor gymnastics for athletes.
The research method was Research and Development. The steps in the study used the
10 research steps by Borg and Gall, but they were adapted in accordance with the objective of
this research and development. The small-scale tryout was conducted by involving 3 floor
gymnastics athletes and the large-scale tryout was conducted by involving 10 floor
gymnastics athletes. The data collecting instruments were an evaluation sheet and an
assessment scale questionnaire. The data of the evaluation results were qualitative and
quantitative descriptive data. The quantitative data were collected through the expert
validation and the tryout activities in the form of inputs, responses, criticisms, and
suggestions. The quantitative data were in the form of assessment, collected by a
questionnaire for the product tryout in the tryout activity and analyzed using the quantitative
descriptive technique. Percentages were used to find out the status of the presented items and
were displayed. The percentages were then interpreted using sentences which were
qualitative in nature.
Based on the results of the data analysis in this research and development, it can be
concluded that the product of learning media software for the stop motion technique in floor
gymnastics using android-based smart phones can be used as learning media for floor
gymnastics, indicated by the fact that 97.67% of the respondents state that the learning media
are very appropriate/very adequate and 8.33% state that the learning media are appropriate/
adequate. On the whole, the aspects of the materials and design product attain a mean of
4.875 with the very appropriate category and 97.5% of the respondents state that the media
are very appropriate.
Keywords:Learning Media, Android Software, Floor Gymnastics
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