Anton Nugroho,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengembangan instrumen tes dan
berapa skala norma tes keterampilan servis pendek bulutangkis untuk atlet kelompok umur
anak-anak (KU 11-12 tahun), pemula (KU 13-14 tahun), remaja (KU 15-16 tahun) dan taruna
(KU 17-18 tahun). Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan
pengembangan (research and development). Subjek uji coba adalah seluruh atlet kelompok
umur bulutangkis di Yogyakarta. Data dikumpulkan melalui tes, kuesioner dan wawancara.
Teknik analisis data dengan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian
kualitas produk pengembangan tes keterampilan servis pendek  untuk kelompok umur adalah
“baik” dengan rerarata skor 4,17. Kelompok anak-anak putra dengan validitas 0,667 dan
reliabilitas 0,799, putri validitas 0,464 dan reliabilitas 0,634. Kelompok pemula putra
validitas 0,738 dan reliabilitas 0,850, putri validitas 0,701 dan reliabilitas 0,812. Kelompok
remaja putra validitas 0,733 dan reliabilitas 0,841, putri validitas 0,651 dan reliabilitas 0,711.
Kelompok taruna putra validitas 0,864 dan reliabilitas 0,855, putri validitas 0,661 dan
reliabilitas 0,766. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian produk pengembangan tes keterampilan servis
pendek tersebut, maka layak digunakan sebagai tes keterampilan servis pendek bulutangkis
untuk atlet kelompok umur.
Kata Kunci: pengembangan, tes, servis, bulutangkis  
This research aims to find out the development of test instrument and the scale norm of short
badminton service skill test for athletes in age groups of children (KU 11-12 years old), cub
(KU 13-14 years old), teenager (KU 15-16 years old) and youth (KU 17-18 years old). This
research used the research and development (R and D) design. The subject of the test were
all of the badminton athletes in age group in Yogyakarta. Data were collected by test,
questionnaire, and interview. This research used descriptive statistical analysis technique.
The results of the quality of te development product of short badminton service skill for age
group was "great" with the average score of 4.17. For a man group of children, the validity
was 0,667 and the reliability was 0,799, while for a woman group of children, the validity
was 0,464 and the reliability was 0,634. For a man group of cub, the validity was 0,738 and
the reliability was 0,850, while for a woman group of cub, the validity was 0,701 and the
reliability was 0,812. Then, for a man group of teenager, the validity was 0,733 and the
reliability was 0,841, while for a woman group of teenager, the validity was 0,651 and the
reliability was 0,711. Next, for a man group of youth, the validity was 0,864 and the
reliability was 0,855, while for a woman group youth, the validity was 0,661 and the
reliability was 0,766. Based on the results of the research, this product was proper to use in
short badminton service test for the athletes in age groups.
Keywords: development, test, service, badminton

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