Anjar Galih Prasetyo,


Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan suatu produk buku monitoring untuk sekolah sepakbola
yang digunakan sebagai media pemantauan kemajuan prestasi anak ketika berlatih sepakbola di sekolah
Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development), yang
menggunakan tujuh langkah dalam penelitian pengembangan. Pengembangan buku monitoring sekolah
sepakbola, terlebih dahulu divalidasi oleh satu ahli materi, satu ahli media, selanjutnya di uji coba dalam
kelompok kecil, pada 3 pelatih dan 15 orang tua anak, serta uji coba kelompok besar pada 12 pelatih dan
60 orang tua anak latih. Subyek penelitian ini adalah SSB Gama pada uji coba kelompok kecil dan SSB
Hizbul Wathon, SSB MAS, SSB Bharata, dan SSB Browidjoyo pada uji coba kelompok besar. Analisis
data dengan kuantitatif persentase.
Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan: menerangkan secara keseluruhan, media buku monitoring
dengan pokok bahasan materi pemantauan fisik, teknik dan softskill anak di sekolah sepakbola dengan
tingkat kelayakan materi sebesar 80.55%  dan dari kelayakan media sebesar 89.28%. Berdasarkan uji
coba lapangan, kelayakan dari buku monitoring untuk sekolah sepakbola meliputi: Segi materi sebesar
79,93% dan segi desain buku sebesar 79,92%. Secara keseluruhan buku monitoring pembinaan prestasi
untuk sekolah sepakbola ini layak digunakan dalam pemantauan perkembangan dan pertumbuhan anak
dalam sekolah sepakbola setelah melalui beberapa tahap uji coba.  
Kata kunci: Pengembangan, Buku Monitoring, Pembinaan Prestasi, Sekolah Sepakbola.
The aim of the study is creating a monitoring book product for the football school that is used as
a monitoring media of the progress of students achievement while training football in the football school.
The method of the study is Research and Development which uses seven ways in the developing
research. Previously, the developing of the monitoring book for football school need to be validased by a
material and media expert, then it was experimented in the small group consisting of three coaches and
fifteen parents of the students’ and the big group consisting of twelve coaches and sixteen parents of the
students’. The subjek of the study for the small group experimented were SSB Hizbul Wathon, SSB MAS
and SSB Bharata, while SSB Brawidjoyo was used for the experiment of the big group. The data analysis
is by persentage kuantitative.  
The result of the research and development totally explains about the monitoring book media that
has the main topic consisting of the material of phsycal monitor, technique, and also the softskill of the
students’ in football school. The feasibility material is 80.55%, while the rate of the media is 89.28%.
Based on the rage experiment, the feasibility of the book for school is 79,93% for the material aspect and
79,92% for the book design. Overall, the monitoring book of achievement building for the football school
is properly to be used in monitoring the development and growth of the students in the football school
after passing the several stages of experiments.  
Key Words: Developing, Monitoring book, achievement building, football school.

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