Sukmara Aldo Wiratama,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode latihan drill dan pola pukulan
terhadap ketepatan smash atlet bulutangkis putra usia 10-12 tahun di PB Jaya Raya Satria Yogyakarta.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain “two groups pre-test-post-test
design”. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet PB. Jaya Raya Satria Yogyakarta yang berjumlah
27 orang. Teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling, dengan kriteria yaitu: (1) daftar hadir
minimal 75% (keaktifan mengikuti latihan), (2) pemain merupakan atlet bulutangkis PB. Jaya Raya
Satria Yogyakarta, (3) berusia 10-12 tahun, (4) berjenis kelamin laki-laki, (5) lama latihan minimal 6
bulan. Berdasarkan kriteria tersebut yang memenuhi berjumlah 18 atlet. Instrumen yang digunakan
yaitu tes ketepatan smash dari PBSI (2006: 36). Analisis data menggunakan uji t.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Ada pengaruh metode latihan drill terhadap ketepatan
smash atlet bulutangkis putra usia 10-12 tahun di PB Jaya Raya Satria Yogyakarta, dengan t hitung
14,473 > t tabel 2,31, dan nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0.05, dengan peningkatan persentase sebesar
61,02%. (2) Ada pengaruh metode latihan pola pukulan terhadap ketepatan smash atlet bulutangkis
putra usia 10-12 tahun di PB Jaya Raya Satria Yogyakarta, dengan t hitung 11,701 > t tabel 2,31, dan nilai
signifikansi 0,000 < 0.05, dengan peningkatan persentase sebesar 46,43%. (3) Metode latihan drill
lebih efektif terhadap ketepatan smash atlet bulutangkis putra usia 10-12 tahun di PB Jaya Raya Satria
Yogyakarta daripada metode latihan pola pukulan, dengan selisih rata-rata posttest sebesar 2,889
Kata kunci: latihan drill, pola pukulan, ketepatan smash
This research aimed to find out the effect of drill training methods and the badminton shot
patterns on the smash accuracy of the male badminton athletes aged 10-12 yeard old in PB Jaya Raya
Satria Yogyakarta.
The research employed experimental methods with the design of “two groups pre-tes-post-test
design”. The population was the athletes of PB. Jaya Raya Satria Yogyakarta with the total of 27
persons. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with the criteria: (1) the attendance was at
least 75% (active in training), (2) was the badminton athlete of PB. Jaya Raya Satria Yogyakarta, (3)
aged 10-12 years old, ($) male, (5) training for at least 6 months. Based on these critetia there were 18
athletesnthat met the requirement. The instrument was a test of smash accuracy based on PBSI (2006:
36). The data analysis was using the t test.
The result showed that: (1) There was an effect of the drill training methods on the smash
accuracy of the male badminton athletes aged 10-12 yeaes old of PB Jaya Raya Satria Yogyakarta,
with the score of t count was at 14.473>t table 2.31, and the significance value of 0.000<0.05, with
the increase of percentage at 61.02%. (2) There was an effect of badminton shot pateterns training on
the smash accuracy of the male badminton athletes aged 10-12 yeaes old of PB Jaya Raya Satria
Yogyakarta, with the score of t count was at 11.701 > t table 2. 31, and the significance value of
0.000<0.05, with the increase of percentage at 46.43%. (3) the drill training methods was more
effective than the badminton shot patterns training on the smash accuracy of the male badminton
athletes aged 10-12 years old of PB. Jaya Raya Satria Yogyakarta with the average difference of
2,889 posttest.
Keywords: drill training, badminton shot patterns, smash accuracy

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