Hari Yuliarto, , Indonesia
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara stress, self-efficacy, dan attitude terhadap prestasi atlet tenis junior DIY. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskritiptif kuantitatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet tenis junior yang berjumlah 34 atlet putra dan 29 atlet putri. Teknik sampling yang digunakan teknik insidental sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan angket. Analisis data dengan cara uji korelasional. Berdasarkan hasil uji korelasional, signifikansi hubungan antara stress dan prestasi sebesar 0,181 sehingga tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara stress dan prestasi atlet junior tenis DIY, signifikansi hubungan self-efficacy dan prestasi sebesar 0,122 sehingga tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara self-efficacy dan prestasi atlet junior tenis DIY, signifikansi hubungan attitude dan prestasi sebesar 0,007 sehingga tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara attitude dengan prestasi atlet tenis junior DIY, signifikansi hubungan antara stress, self-efficacy, attitude terhadap prestasi sebesar 0,215 sehingga terdapat hubungan rendah antara stress, self-efficacy, attitude terhadap prestasi atlet tenis junior DIY.
Kata Kunci: Stress, Self-efficacy, Attitude, Prestasi, Tenis Lapangan
This study aims to know the relationship between stress, self-efficacy, and attitude to junior tennis athlete performance in DIY. The type of this research is a descriptive research. This research uses survey method. The samples in this research is junior tenis athlete that counts 34 boys and 24 girls. The samples are using insidental sampling. The data collection technique in this study was using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses corelation-test. Based on the result of correlation-test obtained (1) the relationship between stress to junior tennis athlete performance is 0,181 showed there is no relationship between stress to junior tennis athlete performance in DIY, (2) the relationship between self-effficacy to junior tennis athlete performance is 0,122 showed there is no relationship between selfefficacy to junior tennis athlete performance in DIY, (3) the relationship between atitude to junior tennis athlete performance is 0,007 showed there is no relationship between attitude to junior tennis athlete performance in DIY, (4) the relationship between stress, self-efficacy, and atitude to junior tennis athlete performance is 0,215 showed there is a low relationship between stress, self-efficacy, and atitude to junior tennis athlete performance in DIY Keywords: Stress, Self-efficacy, Attitude, Performance, Tennis
Kata Kunci: Stress, Self-efficacy, Attitude, Prestasi, Tenis Lapangan
This study aims to know the relationship between stress, self-efficacy, and attitude to junior tennis athlete performance in DIY. The type of this research is a descriptive research. This research uses survey method. The samples in this research is junior tenis athlete that counts 34 boys and 24 girls. The samples are using insidental sampling. The data collection technique in this study was using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses corelation-test. Based on the result of correlation-test obtained (1) the relationship between stress to junior tennis athlete performance is 0,181 showed there is no relationship between stress to junior tennis athlete performance in DIY, (2) the relationship between self-effficacy to junior tennis athlete performance is 0,122 showed there is no relationship between selfefficacy to junior tennis athlete performance in DIY, (3) the relationship between atitude to junior tennis athlete performance is 0,007 showed there is no relationship between attitude to junior tennis athlete performance in DIY, (4) the relationship between stress, self-efficacy, and atitude to junior tennis athlete performance is 0,215 showed there is a low relationship between stress, self-efficacy, and atitude to junior tennis athlete performance in DIY Keywords: Stress, Self-efficacy, Attitude, Performance, Tennis
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