Siswantoyo Siswantoyo, , Indonesia
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan tendangan maju dan mundur di tanjakan terhadap power tungkai atlet Taekwondo Club Tekad. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain “two groups pre-test-post-test design”. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah taekwondo Club Tekad Daerah Istimewa Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 24 orang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan purposive sampling. Lebih lanjut menurut Kriteria dalam penentuan sampel ini meliputi: (1) daftar hadir latihan minimal 75% (keaktifan mengikuti latihan pada saat treatment), (2) atlet taekwondo Club Tekad Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, (3) Atlet bersedia untuk mengikuti perlakuan sampai akhir, (4) berjenis kelamin laki-laki, dan (5) usia 17-21 tahun. Berdasarkan kriteria tersebut yang memenuhi berjumlah 12 orang. Instrumen untuk mengukur power tungkai menggunakan tes vertical jump. Analisis data menggunakan uji t taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan latihan tendangan maju di tanjakan terhadap power tungkai atlet Taekwondo Club Tekad, dengan t hitung 7,906 > t tabel 2,571, dan nilai signifikansi 0,001 < 0,05, dan kenaikan persentase sebesar 4,08%. (2) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan latihan tendangan mundur di tanjakan terhadap power tungkai atlet Taekwondo Club Tekad, dengan t hitung 3,503 > t tabel 2,571, dan nilai signifikansi 0,017 < 0,05, dan kenaikan persentase sebesar 3,73%. (3) Latihan tendangan maju di tanjakan lebih baik daripada latihan tendangan mundur di tanjakan terhadap peningkatan power tungkai atlet Taekwondo Club Tekad, dengan selisih rata-rata posttest sebesar 0,17 cm dan kenaikan persentase latihan tendangan maju di tanjakan yaitu 4,08%. . Kata kunci: latihan tendangan, maju-mundur di tanjakan, power tungkai
Abstract This research aims to determine the effect of exercise of forward and backward kicks on the incline towards legs power of Taekwondo Tekad Club. This research used an experimental method with the design of "two groups pre-test and post-test design". There were 24 members of Taekwondo Tekad Club of Special Region of Yogyakarta selected as the research sample, and the sampling was done by purposive sampling. There were some criteria in determining the sample, including: (1) the attendance list of exercise was at least 75% (active training during treatment), (2) the athletes of Taekwondo Tekad Club was from Special Region of Yogyakarta, (3) the athletes were willing to take treatment until the end, (4) male, and (5) age was 17-21 years. There were 12 members who met the criteria. The instrument used for measuring leg power was vertical jump test. T-test with significance of 5% was used to analyze the data. The results show that (1) There is a significant influence on the practice of forward kicks on the incline towards leg power of Taekwondo Tekad Club, where the value of t is 7.906> t table is 2.571, and a significance value is 0.001 <0.05, and a percentage increase 4.08% . (2) There is a significant influence on the practice of a backward kick of leg power on the incline of Taekwondo Tekad Club, where the value of t is 3.503> t table is 2.571, and a significant value is 0.017 <0.05, and a percentage increase 3.73%. (3) The forward kick exercise on the incline is better than the backward kick exercise on the incline to increase the athlete’s leg power of Taekwondo Tekad Club, with the post-test average difference is 0.17 cm and the increase in the percentage of forward kick exercise is 4.08%.
Keywords: kick exercise, forward and backward on the incline, legs power
Abstract This research aims to determine the effect of exercise of forward and backward kicks on the incline towards legs power of Taekwondo Tekad Club. This research used an experimental method with the design of "two groups pre-test and post-test design". There were 24 members of Taekwondo Tekad Club of Special Region of Yogyakarta selected as the research sample, and the sampling was done by purposive sampling. There were some criteria in determining the sample, including: (1) the attendance list of exercise was at least 75% (active training during treatment), (2) the athletes of Taekwondo Tekad Club was from Special Region of Yogyakarta, (3) the athletes were willing to take treatment until the end, (4) male, and (5) age was 17-21 years. There were 12 members who met the criteria. The instrument used for measuring leg power was vertical jump test. T-test with significance of 5% was used to analyze the data. The results show that (1) There is a significant influence on the practice of forward kicks on the incline towards leg power of Taekwondo Tekad Club, where the value of t is 7.906> t table is 2.571, and a significance value is 0.001 <0.05, and a percentage increase 4.08% . (2) There is a significant influence on the practice of a backward kick of leg power on the incline of Taekwondo Tekad Club, where the value of t is 3.503> t table is 2.571, and a significant value is 0.017 <0.05, and a percentage increase 3.73%. (3) The forward kick exercise on the incline is better than the backward kick exercise on the incline to increase the athlete’s leg power of Taekwondo Tekad Club, with the post-test average difference is 0.17 cm and the increase in the percentage of forward kick exercise is 4.08%.
Keywords: kick exercise, forward and backward on the incline, legs power
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