Prabowo Pandu Imbang, , Indonesia
Danardono Danardono, , Indonesia


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan lunges dan latihan squat terhadap kecepatan berenang 50 meter gaya dada KU senior perkumpulan renang ratu bilqis kabupaten Gunungkidul Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain “two group pre test post test design”. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perkumpulan les renang ratu bilqis. Sampel yang diambil dari hasil purposivesampling,dengan kriteriayaitu;(1)perenangdiperkumpulan lesrenangratu bilqis,(2)berjenis kelamin laki-laki, (3) minimal menguasai 2 gaya (4) berusia 18-22 tahun, (5) Bersedia mengikuti latihan selama penelitian berlangsung. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Ada pengaruh latihan lunges terhadap peningkatan kecepatan berenang 50 meter gaya dada usia 18-22 tahun di perkumpulan renang ratu bilqis, dengan t hitung 3.105 > t tabel 2.23, dan nilai signifikansi 0.011 < 0.05, kenaikan persentase sebesar 3.18%. (2) Ada pengaruh latihan squat terhadap peningkatan kecepatan berenang 50 meter gaya dada usia 18-22 tahun diperkumpulan renang ratu bilqis, dengan nilai t hitung 2.324 > t tabel 2.23, dan nilai signifikansi 0.042 < 0.05, kenaikan persentase sebesar 3.24%. (3) Latihan Lunges lebih baik daripada latihan Squat terhadap kecepatan berenang 50 meter gaya dada usia 18-22 tahun Perkumpulan lesrenangratubilqis. Katakunci:Lunges,Squat,KecepatanBerenang
THEINFLUENCEEXERCISEOFLUNGESANDSQUATSFORSPEEDABILITYON50 METERSBREASTSTROKESENIORAGEINRATUBILQISSWIMMINGCLUB GUNUNGKIDULDISTRICT ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of lunges and squat training on the speed of swimming 50 meters senioragebreaststrokeinassociationratubilqisGunungkiduldistrict This study used an experimental method with the design of "two group pre test post test design". The populationinthisstudywas theassociationoftheswimmingpoolratu bilqis.Samples takenfrom theresults of purposive sampling, with criteria namely; (1) swimmers in the queen bilqis swimming lesion association, (2) male, (3) at least mastering 2 styles (4) aged 18-22 years,The results of the analysis show that: (1) There is the influence of lunges training on increasing the swimming speed of 50 meters breaststroke ages 18-22 years in the queen swim pool bilqis, with t count 3.105> t table 2.23, and significance value 0.011 <0.05, percentage increase of 3.18%. (2) There is the influence of squat training on increasing the swimming speed of50 meters breaststroke ages 18-22 years inthecollection ofqueen swimmingpool bilqis, withavalueoft count 2.324> t table 2.23, and a significance value of 0.042 <0.05, a percentage increase of 3.24%. (3) Lung exercises are better than Squat exercises for swimming speed of50 meters breaststroke ages 18-22 years old Associationofswimmingratubiqis.

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