Dian Tri Anjaswati,


Servis merupakan serangan awal yang langsung mendapatkan point. Kualitas servis merupakan salah satu strategi
kemenangan tim, sehingga perlu diketahui tingkat produktivitasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis
produktivitas service untuk floating service, jump float service dan jumping service pemain bola voli putri pada
Profesional Liga (Proliga) tahun 2018.  
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif persentase. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dan
pengamatan oleh judge melalui dokumen youtoube. Populasi dalam penelitian ini pemain bola voli putri Proliga tahun
2018. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik total sampling yaitu pemain tim bola voli putri Proliga tahun 2018. Instrumen
yang digunakan berupa indikator produktivitas service untuk floating service, jump float service dan jumping service.
Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini diolah menjadi data kuantitatif yaitu presentase.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 3106 service tim bola voli putri dari 21 pertandingan pada Proliga tahun
2018. Presentase produktivitas service dilihat dari nilai score floating service dengan total service 1211 score 1293,5
(36,41%), jump float service dengan total service 1742 score 2017 (56,77%) dan jumping service dengan total service
243 score 242 (6,81%). Hasil ini menunjukkan Produktivitas jump float service lebih tinggi dari floating service dan
jumping service. Dengan demikian, jump float service dalam pertandingan bola voli putri lebih efektif dibandingkan
floating service dan jumping service pada Profesional Liga (Proliga) tahun 2018.

Kata kunci: Produktivitas service, Floating Service, Jump Float Service, Jumping Service

Service is the beginning attack that obtain the point directly. One of the team’s winning strategies is based on the
service’s quality thus it should be payed attention of the level of productivity. This research aims to analyze the service’s
productivity of floating service, jump float service and jumping service from women’s volleyball players in Professional
league (Proliga) 2018.  
The research applies mix method which include descriptive qualitative and research percentage (quantitative).
This research uses survey and observation by judge through YouTube document. The population in this study are
women’s volleyball players 2018. The samples were taken using a total sampling technique from women’s volleyball
team players 2018. The instrument of this research used in the form of productivity indicator service for floating service,
jump float service and jumping service. The data obtained in this study is processed into quantitative data in the form of
The results show there are 3106 service of women’s volleyball teams from 21 games in Proliga 2018. The
percentage of service productivity is seen from the value of floating service score with total service 1211 and the score
is 1293, 5 (36, 41%). For jump float service with total service 1742 the score is 2017 (56, 77%) and for jumping service
with the total service 243, the score is 242 (6, 81%). This result shows the Productivity jump float service is higher than
the floating service and jumping service. Thus, jump float service in a women’s volleyball game is more effective than
floating service and jumping service in Professional league (Proliga) 2018.

Keywords: Service Productivity, Floating Service, Jump Float Service, Jumping Service

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