Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan banyaknya sentuhan tiap rally bermain 4 lawan
4 dan 6 lawan 6 pada bola voli mini putri klub Yuso Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif,
menjelaskan beberapa gejala, fakta, dam kejadian secara sistematis dan akurat. Populasi penelitian ini adalah atlet
bola voli mini putri di klub Yuso Yogyakarta. Sampel diambil dengan purposive random sampling. Purposive
dengan ciri: atlet bola voli mini mempunyai jenis kelamin sama yaitu perempuan, atlet bola voli mini putri sudah
mengikuti latihan 1-12 bulan, usia atlet bola voli mini putri 9-12 tahun. Pengambilan data dengan pengamatan
oleh judge. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata bermain bola voli mini dengan bermain 4 lawan 4
menghasilkan nilai rerata sebesar 4,9409, bermain 6 lawan 6 diperoleh nilai rerata sebesar 4,6039. Hasil penelitian
menggunakan uji non parametrik Mann Whitney menunjukkan p= 0,176. Oleh karena p>0,05 berarti skor tiap
rally bermain 4 lawan 4 berbeda tidak signifikan dengan rata-rata skor rally bermain 6 lawan 6.
Kata kunci: Perbandingan, Banyaknya sentuhan, 4 lawan 4, 6 lawan 6
The aim of this research was to analyze the number of ball touching in each rally of 4 versus 4 and 6
versus 6 playing in the woman mini volley ball club of Yuso Yogyakarta. This descriptive study described some
symptoms, facts, and events systematically and accurately. The population of this study was women's mini volley
ball athletes at Yuso Yogyakarta volley ball club. The samples were taken by purposive random sampling. The
populations have same characteristics. All of the member club was female in the range of age 9-12 years old.
They have same experiences in joining the club during 1-12 months training. The data of this research was taken
by using observation of judge scoring, counting the number of ball touching of players in each Rally. The results
showed that the average of playing woman’s mini volleyball by 4 versus 4 players obtained the average value of
4.9409 and 6 versus 6 players obtained the average value of 4.6039. The result of research using non parametric
test Mann Whitney showed p = 0,176. Therefore, p> 0.05 means the score of each rally 4 versus 4 players has no
significant difference (almost same) with the average score of rally play 6 opponent 6.
Keywords: The comparison, Number of touch, 4 versus 4, 6 versus 6
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan banyaknya sentuhan tiap rally bermain 4 lawan
4 dan 6 lawan 6 pada bola voli mini putri klub Yuso Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif,
menjelaskan beberapa gejala, fakta, dam kejadian secara sistematis dan akurat. Populasi penelitian ini adalah atlet
bola voli mini putri di klub Yuso Yogyakarta. Sampel diambil dengan purposive random sampling. Purposive
dengan ciri: atlet bola voli mini mempunyai jenis kelamin sama yaitu perempuan, atlet bola voli mini putri sudah
mengikuti latihan 1-12 bulan, usia atlet bola voli mini putri 9-12 tahun. Pengambilan data dengan pengamatan
oleh judge. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata bermain bola voli mini dengan bermain 4 lawan 4
menghasilkan nilai rerata sebesar 4,9409, bermain 6 lawan 6 diperoleh nilai rerata sebesar 4,6039. Hasil penelitian
menggunakan uji non parametrik Mann Whitney menunjukkan p= 0,176. Oleh karena p>0,05 berarti skor tiap
rally bermain 4 lawan 4 berbeda tidak signifikan dengan rata-rata skor rally bermain 6 lawan 6.
Kata kunci: Perbandingan, Banyaknya sentuhan, 4 lawan 4, 6 lawan 6
The aim of this research was to analyze the number of ball touching in each rally of 4 versus 4 and 6
versus 6 playing in the woman mini volley ball club of Yuso Yogyakarta. This descriptive study described some
symptoms, facts, and events systematically and accurately. The population of this study was women's mini volley
ball athletes at Yuso Yogyakarta volley ball club. The samples were taken by purposive random sampling. The
populations have same characteristics. All of the member club was female in the range of age 9-12 years old.
They have same experiences in joining the club during 1-12 months training. The data of this research was taken
by using observation of judge scoring, counting the number of ball touching of players in each Rally. The results
showed that the average of playing woman’s mini volleyball by 4 versus 4 players obtained the average value of
4.9409 and 6 versus 6 players obtained the average value of 4.6039. The result of research using non parametric
test Mann Whitney showed p = 0,176. Therefore, p> 0.05 means the score of each rally 4 versus 4 players has no
significant difference (almost same) with the average score of rally play 6 opponent 6.
Keywords: The comparison, Number of touch, 4 versus 4, 6 versus 6
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